Now, about that whole "Palin is toxic" thing ...


Well-Known Member
It seems that when she got the nod from Palin things went her way. A week ago, Castle was ten points ahead of her in the polls; and this week she was ahead by three points. Now she wins by six points.

Even the Republican party was against O'Donnell yet she won against an eight term lifer. Guess who endorsed her?

Tea Party-Backed O'Donnell Upsets GOP With Senate Primary Win

Published September 14, 2010 |


Considered a long shot just weeks ago, her candidacy got renewed attention after conservative Joe Miller beat Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski in their state's Senate primary last month. Big-name endorsements from Sarah Palin and South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint boosted her profile in the final days of the race.
Nov, we're kicking Democrats out the door. The Republicans are already going away thanks to tea party backed conservatives.
That's the part the Democrats don't get. We are going after ALL of the bad eggs regardless of party affiliation. They think that we are only after them. That is their big mistake.

Ayotte Declared Winner in New Hampshire GOP Senate Primary

Published September 15, 2010 | Associated Press

New Hampshire has certified former state Attorney General Kelly Ayotte as the winner of the Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

Ayotte was endorsed by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and won a narrow victory over Ovide Lamontagne. His conservative credentials and courting of the tea party pulled him close in the final days of the campaign.

Lamontagne has until 5 p.m. to decide whether he'll seek a recount because the margin of victory fell within 1.5 percent of the total votes cast.

The secretary of state's office says Ayotte's official margin of victory was 1,667 votes.

Ayotte will face U.S. Rep. Paul Hodes, who was unopposed in the Democratic primary.
Keep going. The TEA party is pulling the Rep party to the far right..away from the more moderate conservatives and the swing voters, who'll either just stay home or vote for the other guy/gal.

A week into November, the Republicans will still be scratching their heads and wondering how they managed to lose more seats than they had before letting Ms Palin take the wheel.
Sarah is kickin' their asses!

Bishy you under estimate my country,
real Americans still out number them
limp wristed lily livered metrosexuals
by a large margin and we are totally pissed off!

well thanks for including me in the thread stinkerdoodle.

i don't believe i ever said she lacks influence. in fact now that i think about it i recall making several references to her loyal dipshit legion.

my problem with her is that she's simply not that bright, and that she's popular because she spouts the nonsense slogans that the legion wants to hear, sans any substance behind it. like jan brewer. or michelle bachman, or the growing host of fuckwits propped up by teabaggis.
minks do you really believe that or are
you simply spouting your party line.

Do you really have that low an opinion of America?

We know what the left stands for and it sure as hell
isn’t what we believe in.
Protect the Constitution
Reject Cap & Trade
Demand a Balanced Budget
Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
End Runaway Government Spending
Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Stop the Pork
Stop the Tax Hikes
i have no party line buddy.

Protect the Constitution
Reject Cap & Trade
Demand a Balanced Budget
Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
End Runaway Government Spending
Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Stop the Pork
Stop the Tax Hikes

i agree with all of that. i just don't think dipshits are gonna make any of it happen. and yes, i do have that low of an opinion of those who think that spouting slogans equates to real leadership.
Sarah has cashed in, good for her.

That’s great, we agree none of that crap is ever
going to happen and anyone who does is
a victim of naiveté.
like how naive palin is about the world outside of alaska? didn't she just learn that africa is a continent and not a country?
Keep going. The TEA party is pulling the Rep party to the far right..away from the more moderate conservatives and the swing voters, who'll either just stay home or vote for the other guy/gal.

I most certainly hope so. Every time the right stands up & declares itseld, the Republicans win. It's when the (R)'s pretend to be democrats that they lose.

A week into November, the Republicans will still be scratching their heads and wondering how they managed to lose more seats than they had before letting Ms Palin take the wheel.

Wait and see. I think it'll be a 60+ seat pickup by the right & a damned good probability that the Senate goes conservative.

Hwever, that won't fix anything. There's still 2/3 of the Senate old guard to deal with.

my problem with her is that she's simply not that bright, and that she's popular because she spouts the nonsense slogans that the legion wants to hear, sans any substance behind it. like jan brewer. or michelle bachman, or the growing host of fuckwits propped up by teabaggis.

Sorry, we can't all be erudite scholars like you. However, the people who believe like we ignorant neanderthals actually believe in the exceptionalism of our nation & its people. We also understand that the rules were set in place & must be followed in order to maintain our place in history.

On the other hand, you & your learned brethren did give us one thing we can all appreciate....


What is it with you & strong wimmins?
Go SarahPAC

Dude Palin is as dumb as a fox
do you know how much she’s
raked in since she quit that stupid
state governor gig?

She doesn’t want to run for
anything except to the next six figure
a pop speaking engagement.
oh winky. often there is little relationship between making money and smarts. just look at the average NBA athlete. i have it on good authority that, for instance, magic johnson is essentially illiterate.
Palin pwns Liberal fags

no one has a clue which Republican will be taking the oath
of office on inauguration day Sunday, January 20, 2013
but trust me it ain't gonna be Sarah ;)
