Now waddawehave here?


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Interesting. Once again, emotion rules instead of cold, hard logic. And they wonder why he was elected twice...

WASHINGTON - A liberal advocacy group plans to spend $8.5 million in a drive to ensure that President Bush's public approval doesn't improve as his days in the White House come to an end.

Americans United for Change plans to undertake a yearlong campaign, spending the bulk of the money on advertising, to keep public attention on what the group says are the Bush administration's failures, including the war in Iraq, the response to Hurricane Katrina and the current mortgage crisis.

In selling the plan to fundraisers, the group has argued that support for President Reagan was at a low of 42 percent in 1987 but climbed to 63 percent before he left office. "All of a sudden he became a rallying cry for conservatives and their ideology," said Brad Woodhouse, the group's president. "Progressives are still living with that."

Buncha maroons. You don't raise yourself up by tearing others down.
Buncha maroons. You don't raise yourself up by tearing others down.

Tell that to the Repubs in that debate tonight. I see nothing wrong with making sure people don't forgot about the travesties of the Bush presidency. People's attention spans are too short.
the Bush administration's failures, including the war in Iraq, the response to Hurricane Katrina and the current mortgage crisis

Saddam is out of power. Success.
Bush started a Huricane?
Bush didn't pay everyones mortgage?
Saddam is out of power. Success.
Bush started a Huricane?
Bush didn't pay everyones mortgage?

Iraq is certainly not a success. It's a trillion dollars down the drain and countless lives lost based on lies.

Handled a natural disaster worse than probably any president in history.

His his blunders in handling the economy are not limited to housing.

A liberal advocacy group plans to spend $8.5 million in a drive to ensure that President Bush's public approval doesn't improve as his days in the White House come to an end.

Americans United for Change

"We are united for change so much we're gonna make damn sure this doesn't change."

And some of you wanna put these fuggin morons in charge...hell, two or three of you ARE these fuggin morons.
"We are united for change so much we're gonna make damn sure this doesn't change."

And some of you wanna put these fuggin morons in charge...hell, two or three of you ARE these fuggin morons.

The problem is some of you put a moron in charge and they certainly don't want you to forget how badly that worked out.
The problem is some of you put a moron in charge and they certainly don't want you to forget how badly that worked out.

A lot of folks saw what was happening (is still happening and will continue to happen regardless of the outcome of the next election), tried to tell folks what was happening and what was about to happen and are thoroughly unsurprised by how badly it has worked out. Point is that I, at least, can't think of a less useful or productive way to spend 8.5 million dollars. These clowns need to pull their heads out before they suffocate. You know, on second thought...

Edit: Here's a thought. Give the money to me and I'll tell everyone I see how I feel about George II. :grinyes:

Edit again: See part one of my sig.
The problem is some of you put a moron in charge and they certainly don't want you to forget how badly that worked out.

yup, what a waste of money.

Typical liberal hate machine hipocracy. How many children does that feed? how many books does it buy? Who benifits? The wacked liberal hate machine, thats all.

IF he was that bad, history will show it, revisionist propaganda is just wet dream cum true and must feel so oowey-gooey warm to you.
Iraq is certainly not a success. It's a trillion dollars down the drain and countless lives lost based on lies.

Handled a natural disaster worse than probably any president in history.

His his blunders in handling the economy are not limited to housing.

Iraq has been quite successful, I recently read headline: Anti-war groups concede defeat. . . . it should of read: The the left loses the war to surrender the war.

Shit happens, thats why its called a disaster. coastal living below sea level just seems like a bad idea to begin with.

my conservative finacial planning has insulated me from losing my home. There is risk involved with any investment.
yup, what a waste of money.

Typical liberal hate machine hipocracy. How many children does that feed? how many books does it buy? Who benifits? The wacked liberal hate machine, thats all.

IF he was that bad, history will show it, revisionist propaganda is just wet dream cum true and must feel so oowey-gooey warm to you.

The money is a drop in the bucket compared with what candidates are spending. Who benefits? Everyone benefits if we don't forgot what a travesty this president has been. We'll get a much better president soon.

There's no revisionist anything. Except if we forget. That would be revisionist. Gotta combat the conservative hate machine.
just my 2cents

IMO GW has done the best the could in foreign affairs...history will judge after the smoke clears.

Domestically, except for the tax cuts, again IMO, he has failed miserably.
He's run up the tab, screwing up the economy, and hasn't done what
is long long over due to secure this country's sovereignty, in fact somewhat diminishing it.
The money is a drop in the bucket compared with what candidates are spending. Who benefits? Everyone benefits if we don't forgot what a travesty this president has been. We'll get a much better president soon.

There's no revisionist anything. Except if we forget. That would be revisionist. Gotta combat the conservative hate machine.

Who said anything about the candidates? Canididates are trying to affect the future, not the past.

This about wasting $8,000,000 on hate when kids need health care! Hippo-crytes :smash: :rofl3:
Who said anything about the candidates? Canididates are trying to affect the future, not the past.

Maybe you didn't read the article. :rofl3:

"Framing his legacy helps us in the '08 elections, there is no doubt about that,"

This about wasting $8,000,000 on hate when kids need health care! Hippo-crytes :smash: :rofl3:

This is about making sure the morons that made the mistake with Bush will get it right this time. Then we'll have a president that will deal with the healthcare issue. :lol2: :rainfrow: :banana: :hairbang:
This about wasting $8,000,000 on hate when kids need health care! Hippo-crytes :smash: :rofl3:

Kids do need health care. Too bad so many generations of "parents" expect the gubmint to provide it instead of getting off their lazy asses and providing it. But what can you expect...they also demand the gubmint provide the food for the kids.

Gimmegimmegimmegimme. And then gimme a tax rebate. How fuggin stupid can you get?
I guess you fuggin stupid enough to generalize everyone that doesn't have healthcare as lazy. That would be pretty fuggin stupid.