Nut with a nuke???

I believe that he had a tinker-toy low quality nuke that was meant for the 20-50kiliton range but did a misfire slow-cook causing a 1kiloton blast. Still... if deployed correctly, it could mess up a quadrant of Seoul and probably kill a quarter-mil... but thats only if he's really, really, really off the deep end and feeling that his grip on the country is slipping.

It also leads me to believe that he actually decides to go on an armageddon bend and invade the south, that his generals will throttle him like a chicken and carry on with the status quo.

If it does come down to a shooting war, I wonder if the Japanese, Rooskies, and Chinese will all go in a do their part in squashing the little cockroach. I still fear that their well fed, third largest in the world military will cause quite a bit of damage on the way down. I dare say that many major cities within the sphere will see some array of chemical missile action as well as waves of fighter aircraft/bombers. God knows they have a gazillion tanks. I just wonder if they have enough fuel for them all to keep runing for two weeks.
I believe that he had a tinker-toy low quality nuke that was meant for the 20-50kiliton range but did a misfire slow-cook causing a 1kiloton blast. Still... if deployed correctly, it could mess up a quadrant of Seoul and probably kill a quarter-mil... but thats only if he's really, really, really off the deep end and feeling that his grip on the country is slipping.

That's why he wants to test another one...If this one is successful, you can bet they'll be speaking Mandarin in Pyongyang quicker than English...

BTW...Even Iran was a bit upset...probably because they didn't get to light their firecracker first...
It does make me smile to see how China is becoming a wee bit more western every day... or at least saner on the world scene. They have to prove that they are the masters of their region at least in order to preserve international face. God knows the Olympics are coming up. There are 50 ways for them to gain and lose here. I'm sure that their great hungry economy is not amused by the 2$ bump in crude oil over this little stunt.

So long as the DPRK knows that they are facing a three front war, they will get real quiet. All of this bullshit sabe-rattling will continue until the collective regional powers go icy on the turd and make it known that he isn't getting one-more-effing-thing... and to cram it with walnuts.
forgive me for being a lazy reader ... but what's all the golf stuff got to do with it exactly???

wasn't it a half K, they are saying now?

personally - he can lose as much face as possible - provided the loon that follows him is less gung-ho!

Interesting to look at a map of Russia and China surrounding / engulfing N korea ... mayhap the west can settle down with some popcorn and enjoy the show?


*probably a re-showing of the Ryder cup from ireland! :D *

funny how a south korean will replace dynamic Mr K Onan innit? :bgpimp:
The golf thingy is just a sidebar of the entire diefication of Kim as leader. Since their entire knowledge and news base comes from the state, they believe that North Korea is the only remaming independent state in the world from the tyrrany of the US and that the US consumes 90% of the worlds food and oil causing the poor people of North Korea to starve and freeze. Everything on their one channel TVs are nothing but rows of schoolkids singing the glory of der leader, military speeches, and talk of how leader Kim is 'da man!' in all repects. The golf analogy is something that came out of their media a few years ago. Its laughable to everyone but the North Koreans. They've known little else for the last 50 years.
The chinese have already forwarded a 'strongly worded letter' warning him that they're not happy.

That has much more meaning than a strongly worded letter from the UN. Is it enough more is to be found out.

Iran is watching this whole scenario with keen interest.
I would get around the issue by saying he shot a hole-in-one five times. Most people that accomplish the feat only have it happen once in a lifetime.
Has he forgotten? There is no peace treaty between us & him or SK & him.