

Well-Known Member
Was it you that just said you bought NWN? I was thinking about picking that game up today but had a fear that it might be as repetative as Diablo and i hated Daiblo. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure It's not repetitive as Diablo. It has much more talking. It's not as interactive as Bladur's Gate however. Too bad it doesn't support my shitty video card... :(

Pez Dispenser

New Member
Until unclehobart adds his opinion, I´d like to give out mine.

NWN cant decide wether it wants to be a full fledged Solo-RPG or a Multiusergame. In neither aspects it fullfills its role.

Solo: Recent D&D games amazed me with their ability to reduce the roleplaying to "walk into the nearest dungeon and slaughter everything". What character you choose has no effect on the game at all, not to speak of alignments. The plot sounds interesting, but suffers from enormous logical abhorrencies (A Druid asks you to free the animals from the local zoo. In order to do this, you kill all employes in the zoo. Before the eyes of visitors and without interference of the guards in the city. They simply dont care)
Game mechanics are as good or bad as D&D 3rd edition is. Depends on how you like them. I detest them. What for is a multiclass system when it only helps to weaken your character (Especially because 20th lvl is the cap).
From the isometric view to the endless carnage I felt reminded of Diablo.

Multiplayer: Well, in theory you can play any number of sceneries from players around the world. In reality, good modules are rare to find and even rarer are the players who play them. Character advancement is meaningless as everybody can make a Lvl 20 char in a few minutes. As an EQ-player i find this disturbing in the least, because whats the point in playing the damn thing?

If you enjoyed Diablo, you might have fun, but if you look for something in the spirit of Baldurs Gate or even Planescape:Torment (*sigh*), then be careful please.

My 2 cp :cool:


New Member
Unlike Diablo, you dont wade in and slaughter 100s of foes per minute. It has that balanced fight system that makes you fight stuff that can beat you down if youre not careful. Also unlike Daiblo, its about the character development as real equipment is a bitch to come across. *hugs +1 longsword*

The graphics are choppy as hell compared to what im used to and you cant seem to form a party in a solo game. All you can do is hire a specialist thug to go with ya. (re: safecracking thief). The AI is a bit wonky albiet straightforward. Many a time my halfling rogue companion thought nothing of diving into a pack of 6 zombies at 3rd level. It forced me to abandon good fight strategy in order to pull the little bastards chitlins out of the fire. I can only conceive of being a fighter in the game because of the carry weight and necessity of high HP. A wiz with only 5 spells on the day isnt going to make it very far compared to a barbarian going ape with an axe at a near running speed. I want a full balanced party, dammit!

Its a bit rigid to just exist as a solo game with its limited playing field. It should be much better out on the net... but I am also not fond of a level 20 limit.


New Member
56.48 here... Titles are getting damned expensive.

My fav is still EQ by a longshot... and that was back when it was a tightwad of a game. Now that the pucker factor has been dropped a bit, it might be worth a second look. Its just too overly balanced to forcing you to party up past 5th level as everything out there that is supposedly your level can kill you quick mano a mano. If you die out in the brush it can take hours to recover your gear... no fun. I remember planes runs that took in excess of 16 hours. ick. Perhaps I shouldn't get back into it.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe how well this thing runs on my Radeon with all graphics turned on maximum settings. I'm impressed!


Well-Known Member
Ok after a few measly hours of play...i still can't help compare every game like this i've ever played to Myth II SoulBlighter. I wish they'd used the same type of camera system as in that game. Same goes for the voices and the storyline. Myth II was absolutely convincing. voices here have the 'B' movie thing going on. resident Evil is the only game to ever pull that off successfully.("Hope this is not Chris' blood") Sofar the eyecandy and sounds are simply awesome though.


New Member
My game must have misloaded. I don't get voices or combat sounds. I don't really need them to make it work... but it does detract from the experience a bit.


Well-Known Member
Spellcasting at least i hope? It's killer to hear characters casting the spells. Blows away the "un-ja-un" of nox!


New Member
no. No sounds at all other than the background music.

Its starting to piss me off. Twice the game has crashed my computer.. total lockup. I was playing last night until about 530pm saving every 5 min.. and yet when I fired it up this morning I had somehow reverted back to an old save spot back at 320 pm before I had ever killed the boss of the area I was in. I have fought and killed this particular boss 3 times now and it simply wont accept it. Choppy, no sound, random failures, voodoo saves... im losing patience.


<b>mod cow</b>
You got the latest patches, unc? The original version kept crashing with me time after time, but after v 1.21 I believe I had no problems at all with that :)

Graphics are choppy, even with my 64 MB GF4 :( No idea why :(

Great game though :)

Longsword + 1 is great :D
I've got some rare sword now, and it's even a lot better than the Longsword :D
God, I love NWN :)


New Member
ive got the latest patches for the game. im currently d/l umpteen gig of soundcard and videocard patches. If it doesnt work I'll have to break down and upgrade.


New Member
probably so. The Creative website is pure shit. Attempts to d/l drivers 8 times were nipped midstream on their side. 6 hours and 120meg of fragmented bs later... I gave up. They dont want you to be able to download anything. They wantcha to upgrade.


Well-Known Member
This is my sig. There are many like it but this one is mine. My sig is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my sig is useless. Without my sig I am useless. I must fire my sig true. I must quote straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must quote him before he quotes me. I will.
lol. I love that.


If i was you i would seriously consider fixing those sound issues before going any farther in the game. The spellcasting sounds are so rich they just blow me away.


Well-Known Member
Ok i'm seriously getting into this game now. But boy do i suck. i'm only in the town core for the first time and i'm already getting killed just taking on a few level 1 thugs. I can tell you now there's going to be a hell of a lot more then the 60 hours of play labeled on the box for me.


New Member
Ive just ended chapter 1 in dead silence... a few kills off of lvl 7. Still toting a lousy +1 longsword. Anyone know the formulas for building gear from scratch via the forge dwarf?