Do you think it was just a bunch of 18 year old kids who thought it would be cool to put up that flag on Obama's wall, next to a pic of Obama, no less?
That they had no idea what they were doing---"volunteer" or not?
There is more to that woman then meets the eye.
If you fly a Che flag and you are Cuban, then you have no excuse for not knowing what that represents: pro-Castro, pro-Communist, and pro-Totalitarian oppression.
OMG run, someone has expressed an opinion of which do not agree!!!!!!
the end is nigh!!
soon god will come down and smite us all.
Oh yeah, god doesn't exist, and it's just a fucking poster.
BarryO said:“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.
It would be "change" if he would've come out and said "It is my office so I am responsible. I am ashamed that it happened and it will not happen again."
Instead it's "This is a volunteer office that is not in any way controlled by the Obama campaign." That's true leadership.
obama isn't associated with wild commie bomb-making crazies,
What has he done as a senator?
What does he propose as President?
I completely agree with you there. What does he really stand for?
I'd like to see a candidate who seemed concerned with the best interest of the nation and I really don't.
Nope. Not this one.
Maybe there's another flag.