obama gets 6x more donations from troops

Less than 150 people have sent money in for Obama & about 300 altogether. My guess it's more about race than politics.

We have the best educated military in history. The HS dropout (or recent grad) thing is yesterdays army.
1. um, right. :drink2:please refer to what prof mentions about "political terrorists"

Political terrorists. :rolleyes: Are you talking about the dems??

2. understanding why they do what they do is not particularly challenging for many of us. the political and cultural history of the middle east is understandable if one bothers to do some reading on it. and that is step one in understanding how to combat it effectively. reading bullshit fraidy cat material on websites like newsmax doesn't really count toward this, though. but it certainly helps with the bandwagoning! weee!

Understandable, yes, but not acceptable. You know your enemy----but you're all: yeah, right. Does the history mention anything about a global jihad?

3. who said that? that sounds like a dumb idea? is that what you think should be done?

Spike, is that you??

Worked great last time, didn't it?

Just talk nice, give'm what they want, and they will go away.

Worked great last time, didn't it?

so all the saudi cock that the bush family has sucked over the past 30 years got us... most of the 9/11 hijackers from saudi arabia.


you're right. that shit doesn't work at all. for anybody.
1. Political terrorists. :rolleyes: Are you talking about the dems??

2. Understandable, yes, but not acceptable. You know your enemy----but you're all: yeah, right. Does the history mention anything about a global jihad?

3. Spike, is that you??


1. yes. it's those wacky moonbats again. yawn. how's your armband fitting?
2. who ever said "global jihad" wuz acceptable? did you miss the "combat" part of my statement?
3. i left spike out in the alley behind my house after i had my way with him. peel's been teachin' me shit about the souls of men.
Speaking of armbands, didja know the cult of Obama felt they needed to devise their own salute?


"We wanted to get involved some way," he says. So, the agency came up with their own a symbol of hope and progress that also plays off Obama's name. “Our goal is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama’s nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future." http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=1852

Rather Nazi-esq, don't ya think?
um, smacks more of stalinist cult of personality, and graphically, it looks a bit more soviet than nazi, but doesn't really look like either.

hey i guess you don't have to be a right wing extremist to be a bandwagoning chimp! yeah, let's go burn some books!
I meant in the usage of followers showing loyalty to their leader---the circle jerk resembled the sieg heil salute.....


His images are similiar to the idealized portraits and the personality cult of the "Beloved Leader" in totalitarian propaganda. His face, illuminated by a "holy light", looks into the distance and sees the path that is not evident to his mere mortal followers.


Did you see the poster advertising his recent jaunt to Germany:

Okay, an approachable every man is one thing....but even that guy is going to be shown at his best. People are going to vote for a person they can look up to and admire. They want a candidate they feel is a better man than themselves. So therefore you get these glorified baseball card representations of your candidate.
Oh my GAWD!!!!

The Germans make posters that look like they were made by Germans. Nuke 'em 'til they glow!!!!
I'm sure it was Obama's people that made the posters, or in the least the campaign officials and lawyers approved them before they were released.


They know what they're trying to evoke here. Of course Obama isn't Lenin, Stalin, or Hitler, but it's clear he has borrowed from their propaganda books.

He's even redesigned the Presidential seal


and it's kinda bizarre that this imagery is what Obama has chosen and even more so that his sycophantic supporters respond to it.
Every thing this guy does is taken from less than stellar role models. They're makuing him out to be far more than he is & far more than he can be.

The Messiah has risen.