obama gets 6x more donations from troops

I guess the troops that gave the 6x donations stayed home....

Mr. Obama struck back with tough language, although his delivery was largely without passion.

He received a polite but not enthusiastic response from the estimated 3,000 veterans assembled in a cavernous convention hall here.

Many seats were empty because a number of veterans left Orlando ahead of the advancing tropical storm Fay. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/...cain-in-vfw-speech/?scp=1&sq=vfw obama&st=cse
My god. six times? Those are absolutely staggering numbers. There have to be literally tens of thousands of our military who are donating to Obama over McCain. How must McCain feel when tens of thousands of his fellow soldiers do not support him? What a disaster!


Are you sure?

Um ...

There are only 134?

<Emily Litella> Ohhhh. Nevermind. </Emily Litella>
Ya forgot a few examples


The salute is based upon the traditions of Knighthood...at least thats the current description. Different countries salute in different ways. The Hitler salute is no less a tradition than any other. The person being saluted, however, is what makes it an abhorrent ideal. You display quite constipated thinking on that one, so you have been called on it. ;)