obama gets 6x more donations from troops

Neener, neener, neener...

They would be foolish to not be sure.

And don't call me Shirley.
Surely I didn't.

Every thing this guy does is taken from less than stellar role models. They're makuing him out to be far more than he is & far more than he can be.

The Messiah has risen.
You mean the anti-messiah. I'll say it again. Nothing, absolutely nothing significant will be changed in any way by the "election" of either of these jokers.
You know...I gave him another 6X my original amount just a couple days ago...
:thumbup: :D
You mean the anti-messiah. I'll say it again. Nothing, absolutely nothing significant will be changed in any way by the "election" of either of these jokers.

If he gets an unstoppable majority in Congress, we'll move so far left it'll make your head spin. His politics is farther left than anybody we've ever seen. Add to it Pelosi & here nitwit ideas & we can call one another comrade.
um, yeah, he's too liberal for me, but i'd sure rather hang out and have a beer with him than i would with short fuse mccain. and he certainly does seem to be the smarter of the two. but, obviously, smart is not often what gets one elected president of the US.
It's also not what keeps that head from high speed heavy metal poisoning. Remember that the Presidency is only the highest 'official' office. Acting beyond the limits set by your handlers is a good way to leave office ... feet first.

Ever read the Hitchhiker's guide?
Only six men in the galaxy knew that the job of the President wasn't to wield power, but to attract attention away from it, a job for which Zaphod proved to be uniquely suited.
Precisely. I used to find it really unusual how here in Canada, anytime there was a serious political issue, the quebec separatist issue would flare, particularly when it was because of some stupid remark made by a fed when he thought a mike was turned off. I soon learned that that was nothing more than the 'leak' to the press V2.0. Gets the sheep herded away from the real issues.
I meant in the usage of followers showing loyalty to their leader---the circle jerk resembled the sieg heil salute.....

Ya forgot a few examples

and he certainly does seem to be the smarter of the two.

The more he speaks, sans tele-prompter, the more I see just how much prep work he gets. He's not half of what he thinks he is (or the press). Listen to him speak whenever he gets an unexpected quetion. Mumbles & tangents followed quickly by 30 year old Demoncrat talking points. Unimaginative & unprepared.

Who is the brains behind this outfit? He has less time in the Senate than McCain did in Vietcong prison camp.
Ya forgot a few examples

One is the etiquette of members of an international youth organization when greeting one another and in the presence of a national flag.....

One conveys the protocal of respect for the authority of the CinC.....

One is intended as a sign of loyalty towards an evil leader ("Hail Hitler").....

And one is the logical "next step": the creation of some kind of salute or hand signal to make the masses feel like they are a part of something important.

Soon will come matching uniforms......or armbands. :shrug:

One is the etiquette of members of an international youth organization when greeting one another and in the presence of a national flag.....

One conveys the protocal of respect for the authority of the CinC.....

One is intended as a sign of loyalty towards an evil leader ("Hail Hitler").....

And one is the logical "next step": the creation of some kind of salute or hand signal to make the masses feel like they are a part of something important.

Soon will come matching uniforms......or armbands. :shrug:
They are all salutes. Salutes towards the national flag, superiors in rank and the head of the GVT.

I see the Obama "O" gesture more as something similar to raising a lighter at a concert (though people use cell phones now).
now, then, will your organization be re-issuing new ones, to keep in step with the fashion, or will y'all keep your 'classic' look?


Somebody get this guy a microphone!

In the same way Obama "re-issued" the design of "Marx One"?


It's all about the "O"
