Y'know, as bad as many of us thought Mr. Bush was, I never once heard anyone advocate open insurrection and yet, these days...![]()
So who is the domestic enemy, the one who ignores the COTUS or the ones who demand its virtues observed?
Do you think that an uprising is going to be achieved by small groups of 5-10 people hiding in the woods and attacking little forest service huts? No.
Its going to be thousands of people at a time in communities just walking in the local gov't houses and saying "this is ours now, get out." -- There will be no blood shed unless the gov't brings it.
What grants anyone the right to healthcare?
Was it ever about race?? Is it that hard to see the intentional damage obama is inflicting upon this country?!?!
obama has transformed from the moderate he claimed he was when he ran his campaign as to a power hungry, egomaniacal ultra-liberal. He is guiding this country towards weaker national security, fewer individual freedoms, bigger government including the take-overs of major businesses, telling the CEOs of those companies how much they can earn, socialization of the best health care system in the world, and raising taxes while doing it.
He has made our enemies openly aware of military interrogation techniques, giving them information on withdrawal dates from Iraq and closing dates on GITMO, is delaying a decision to either commit to the action or keep the status quo in Afghanistan while our casualties mount, and seems intent on criticizing or punishing many who were doing their jobs to protect our country.
He is moving America away from its' status as a world leader to that of being an equal or lesser partner with every other country on the planet. He shakes hands with Chavez and Ghadaffi, placates Putin by backing off on a missile defense program and cutting the development of new weapons systems, thinks Iran is a small threat who is entitled to nukes and wants to meet with A-jad without preconditions while treating our ally Netanyahu with hostility. He has bowed down to a Saudi king, disrespected a British queen, and apologizes for America for taking a stand against terrorism while at the same time embracing their religion and those who have twisted it.
He has exploded the deficit, disemboweled the US currency, prints and spends money like there's no tomorrow, and raised unemployment to levels unseen for 26 years, yet talks about jobs "saved or created" that haven't even happened yet.
He employs Maoists, communists, and other assorted radicals on the WH staff. He pals around with known unrepentant domestic terrorists, even allowing them access to the WH. Corruption, anti-Americanism, Socialism, and racism surround him. They all hate America and want to destroy it as we have known it and remake it in their own, leftist vision.
Was it ever about race?? Is it that hard to see the intentional damage obama is inflicting upon this country?!?!
obama has transformed from the moderate he claimed he was when he ran his campaign as to a power hungry, egomaniacal ultra-liberal.
He is guiding this country towards weaker national security, fewer individual freedoms, bigger government including the take-overs of major businesses,
socialization of the best health care system in the world, and raising taxes while doing it.
He has made our enemies openly aware of military interrogation techniques, giving them information on withdrawal dates from Iraq and closing dates on GITMO, is delaying a decision to either commit to the action or keep the status quo in Afghanistan while our casualties mount, and seems intent on criticizing or punishing many who were doing their jobs to protect our country.
He is moving America away from its' status as a world leader to that of being an equal or lesser partner with every other country on the planet.
He shakes hands with Chavez and Ghadaffi, placates Putin by backing off on a missile defense program and cutting the development of new weapons systems,
thinks Iran is a small threat who is entitled to nukes
He has bowed down to a Saudi king, disrespected a British queen, and apologizes for America for taking a stand against terrorism while at the same time embracing their religion and those who have twisted it.
He has exploded the deficit, disemboweled the US currency, prints and spends money like there's no tomorrow, and raised unemployment to levels unseen for 26 years, yet talks about jobs "saved or created" that haven't even happened yet.
He employs Maoists, communists, and other assorted radicals on the WH staff. He pals around with known unrepentant domestic terrorists, even allowing them access to the WH. Corruption, anti-Americanism, Socialism, and racism surround him. They all hate America and want to destroy it as we have known it and remake it in their own, leftist vision.