New Member
Why does the left think that the gov. option will be superior to private ins?
It won't drop you when you get sick and people with pre-existing conditions. Many people will still opt for private insurance though if it works better for them in their situation.
At least insurance companies have to be competitive. But once government has someone in their system it's all over: there's nowhere else to go. They don't have to compete.
They could go back to private insurance if it works better. If the public option wasn't competitive than people will opt for private insurance.
If the government doesn't have to compete for people's business, what is their incentive to provide decent care? They'll be deciding what treatments people can get and who can get it. They'll be doing the same thing the insurance companies are accused of doing now, but with no competition.
They'll be competing with private insurance. But even in countries that don't have a private insurance option government run systems have proven to be more efficient and effective.
They will have control over who lives and who dies.
Private insurance has that control now.
Some people are apparently thinking "Oh no! I'll have another choice!".