Many doctors (the good ones that don't need too)
won't accept Medi-care this I (we) know now
deny it ya putz
I know more than a Paki Doctor true story
"nasal Spray" it's a family joke we've had
for years about them idiots.
Shush Red no one is gonna believe you
It’s a Right to be taxed into oblivion
for something you are never going to get
oh we know
you know
all about it
Speaking of gov. run Medicare, they deny nearly twice the claims that private insurance does.
But hey, if you like your current insurance keep it.
Hmmm. You suggested to study how the countries with a "better health system then ours" do it. That really doesn't say how they "do it" does it?
Wow, that's an article from 2002 -- got anything more current?
How many Insurance Companies will stop writing Individual Health Care Insurance Policies when faced with competition from a Government Option??
All of them.
In the health care debate, Democrats and their allies have gone after insurance companies as rapacious profiteers making "immoral" and "obscene" returns while "the bodies pile up." Ledgers tell a different reality.
Insurers are an expedient target for leaders who want a government-run plan in the marketplace. Such a public option would force private insurers to trim profits and restrain premiums to compete, the argument goes. This would "keep insurance companies honest," says President Barack Obama.
Did something major change since then?
Among those insured through Medicare, however, "the Medicare program" (68 percent) scores nearly as high. Among those with private insurance, "your health insurance company" earns much less trust (48 percent).
Nations don't collapse when a company goes under.