Obama's Energy Answer


Well-Known Member
Air up your tires, and get a damn tune-up already!


There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated — simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling — if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much!

..and driving below the speed limit, and not tailgating, and avoiding quick stops/starts... Exactly the kind of things that people can do to reduce their consumption and save energy - all without GVT interference, eh. Kudos for saying it.
We import, what, about 30-40% of our oil. So he is saying that if I do all those things, my mileage will go from 30MPG to 45MPG. Is he smokin crack? I'm all for efficiency, but I don't thing we can just air up our tires to get out of this one.
We import about 70% of our crude. We're also importing refined gasoline because of the lack of refinereies on our soil.

Another fine exaple of why socialism needs to be killed.
The Spanish government approved Friday an emergency package of energy-saving measures that includes reducing speed limits in and around cities and promoting low-consumption light bulbs.

The proposals include lowering speed limits on major roads into and within big cities by 20 percent, (50MPH on highways-25MPH in towns)

The government will also distribute vouchers for one free low-consumption bulb to all households in 2009 and again in 2010. The plan also envisages the elimination of high-energy bulbs by 2012.

Did they remove the mercury from the CFL's?
Nope, just watched the video and he didn't say that.

Say what he did say: Obama said that we'd save as much oil with vehicle maintenance as we would getting from drilling.

Wow. No wonder he's the "chosen one" :rolleyes:
Conservation takes care of itself for the most part. No one wants to waste their money. You can spout alternative energy all you want, but until we get to the point where it is economical, it will not work. I think we are at least 20 years out on most of these. That leaves drilling, more refineries, and nuclear power available to us now.

BTW, I believe government subsidies for new technology actually slows progress. Why work hard at it when you are already making money. Case in point would be Hybrid cars. We have been subsidizing that technology for years, and who developed it, the Japanese. A far better approach would be to set aside the money you were planning to spend and put it in an account to be given away upon success (much the same as the X prize does).
Conservation is certainly the best place to start.

YEA!!! DAMNIT!!!! We should all suffer equally.

There is no shortage of energy. The preceived shortage is caused by beauracratic hurdles. More power plants & more refineries (plus drilling) allows us our supply of cheap energy in abundant quantities.

Conserving is for the pocketbook...not a bad plan but oone that needs to be personal.
YEA!!! DAMNIT!!!! We should all suffer equally.

You don't have to suffer, equally or otherwise.

There is no shortage of energy. The preceived shortage is caused by beauracratic hurdles. More power plants & more refineries (plus drilling) allows us our supply of cheap energy in abundant quantities.

The oil companies can build more refineries if they want and they have leases for drilling now that they haven't used. We need to start quickly moving away from fossil fuel and towards renewable energy though.

Conserving is for the pocketbook...not a bad plan but oone that needs to be personal.

Nope, should be a major part of any responsible policy.
There's also no doubt that current gas prices are making oil companies and refiners gallons of money. So some speculate that they don't want to build more refineries because that would increase supply and depress prices. That would cost them money.

"They would be in effect be depressing prices and margins and hurting themselves," said Rao.

Rao said it's simple if someone could make money on a new refinery, they'd build it.

"I wouldn't be betting on a new refinery showing up anytime soon because all the economic incentives are lined up against building a new refinery," he said.

Chevron said ethanol is another reason it won't build a new refinery. Leaders there said that bio-fuels will lower demand for gasoline.

The oil companies can build more refineries if they want and they have leases for drilling now that they haven't used. We need to start quickly moving away from fossil fuel and towards renewable energy though.

Oil refineries are virtually impossible to build under current restrictions, as are nuclear power plants. 30 years is a long time to hold a moratorium. As for the leases they have now, there is no oil there. It is really strange that they won't drill where there is no oil or, in some spots, where it would cost more to get the oil out than they can sell it for (that damn corporate greed thing).
You don't have to suffer, equally or otherwise.
To follow the upcoming crop if ideas, we will suffer. Ask Spain.

The oil companies can build more refineries if they want and they have leases for drilling now that they haven't used.
There hasn't been a new refinery in nearly 30 years. NIMBY groups & eco-terrorist clubs tie it up in court, making it too costly. As for drilling on currently leased land - if there was oil readily available, they'd be drilling. The leases are required to do simple exploration in likely areas.

We need to start quickly moving away from fossil fuel and towards renewable energy though.
We agree there. (although I prefer alternative to renewable) However, we haver an oil based power infrastructure. Let us use what we have & move into other areas as they becoem available.

Nope, should be a major part of any responsible policy.

It's not the job of corporations or government to be our mommy. Responsibility comes from the indivdual. Choices made & money spent will ultimately benefit the consumer (see capitalism)