Off balance Christmas giving!

Gato_Solo said:
Guilt over not giving enough gifts? Instead of thinking about the material, think of other things you do...every day...that make life special. It's not about the things you give. It never is. It's about the things you are. Your guilt is nothing but the manisfestation of 100 years of commercialism and the secularization of a celebration of life. :winkkiss:
here here
tonksy said:
I don't feel cheapened, I just feel like he might think I don't love him as much as he loves know what? typing that out made it seem rather silly but that's it in a nutshell. I enjoy presents, I really do...I just want him to have the same enjoyment and I know it's not about the amount spend but the just seems he thought of me more.

Good. At least you're thinking a bit more clearly. Now...ask yourself one question...Am I doing everything I can?
Gato_Solo said:
Good. At least you're thinking a bit more clearly. Now...ask yourself one question...Am I doing everything I can?
I could have a more positive attitude and less of a cynical, waiting for the other shoe to drop streak but yeah, I give my all......well, that and I could clean the bathroom a bit more often.
If it makes you feel better, think of it in terms of percentage of assets. You know what my kid is getting me? Damned little materially, and what he does get me, I'll end up paying for. BFD. I'm the one making a good amount of money, and he has squat.

The card he'll make for me, though, is beyond price, and will live on my office wall for 8 months.
tonksy said:
I could have a more positive attitude and less of a cynical, waiting for the other shoe to drop streak but yeah, I give my all......well, that and I could clean the bathroom a bit more often.

:rolleyes: Trust not decorate the throne room. None of those guest towels that nobody is allowed to use. No frilly curtains around the shower. And for goodness sake, none of those potpourri thingies to mask possible unpleasant odors.

As for the rest of your plight...that's your guilt talking...guilt you shouldn't even have. Do your best with what you've got. Don't worry about the neighbors. You'll be much happier.
tonksy said:
We have a slight problem in our house. Some people buy certain other people too many gifts and make the other person feel like a loser when they are still opening gifts and the other person is sitting idle just watching. Does this happen to you? How do you balance your gift giving with your significant other?
She buys all the gifts except the ones for her. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?

BTW, tonksy, you've learned an important (IMO) lesson. Receiving is way cool, but giving is much more fun. Especially to someone you love.
It's not a competition.

AllEars' and I spend roughly equal amounts on one another. Sometimes I spend a bit more, sometimes she does. She has given me things that I really wanted. A few of them were gift wrapped under a tree...the rest show up daily.

Tonks, if you put your heart into a gift, it's priceless. If you approach it like a CPA (no offense intended to a certain poster) it's just one more needless stress.
We make sure the kids gifts are somewhat even, but for each other it's different. Some years I get more, some years she does. It all depends on the finances at the time and the desire at the time.

And of course, Rob wouldn't buy you gifts if he didn't want to. I'm quite sure he enjoys just sitting there watching you open them. And, like the others said, it's not the amount of gifts you get, but the the thought that goes into them. If you're anything like my wife, she always seems to know just exactly what I want, and yet I feel like I have no clue what to get her.
Gifts for the kidlet have no budget (except reasonable 'real-life' budgets), but MrsBish and I are strict on how much we'll give each other...price-wise.

Frankly, we're both using our collective money to buy each other gifts. It's not the price's the hunt for the gift that fits.

If I can find something she wants but hasn't asked for, something she loves but didn't hint's all good.
You could always talk to said person about it, eh? Funny thing about usually works.
LOL! You said talk to Rob! Haha!
He said that I could throw all his gifts away and he'd be fine...seriously, he said he was sorry if I felt bad but that i didn't need to because he wasn't used to getting Christmas gifts to begin with...which made me feel worse because I should spoil him to make up for before...SIGH...I have too much'd think I was catholic.
Jeez, you guys need therapy. Just grope each other already and put it in the past. The future's your oyster. and you know what they say about oysters ....
Professur said:
Jeez, you guys need therapy. Just grope each other already and put it in the past. The future's your oyster. and you know what they say about oysters ....
What makes you think we don't grope each other at every available moment?