mostly here i'm reacting to the kind of fantasy of heroic violence that typically graces the front matter of
american rifleman. "granny blasts would-be intruder on front porch with old coach gun."
so apparently there was an elderly guy and gal on the scene. and apparently there were attempts to pull the guy off the kid before the pilot/cop guy put a round in the dude's forehead.
one could reasonably expect that the previous attemptees, realizing that the kid was already gone, and that the dude was nutty as a shithouse rat, became discouraged at some point. one could also expect that the officer, coming late(r) to the scene and being seaparated by a fence, may not have realized the kid was kaput. not that that means he shouldn't have shot the fucker. and nice shot placement, by the way.
Oh, yeah. If you're unsure of the spelling, you can always look it up in google.
anyway, for those of you second guessing and tough talking: you weren't there. put a cork in it. or all your macho heroes - sylvester stallone, john wayne, ollie north, rock hudson, errol flynn, even heston - will come to you in a dream and do that bukakke (sp?) thing on you.
though one of you may like that....