Official OTC Gross-Out Contest


Well-Known Member
OK... got anything in mind that just by saying it will make someone saw "eww, gross!" or even worse?

I've got a few ideas, but I don't want to be the first to enter this contest. So fire away, then I'll post mine.

Fun! :D
OK, if you insist... beat this:

If you ever have a chronically itchy asshole, eat broccoli, beans, or other typical gas-inducing foods. When you fart, the rapid open and close motion of the anus as the gas bubbles are expelled will scratch the itch.
I have an icky one about bacterial goo in the cooter and a poor soul who found out by "heading south". But it is icky.
But.... if your arse is that itchy to begin with, why would you want to wait for the digestive processes to do their thing? :hmm:

*BoP can't believe she even contemplated that*
PrincessLissa said:
I have an icky one about bacterial goo in the cooter and a poor soul who found out by "heading south". But it is icky.
That's the point of this thread. Post away.
Once found myself in a drunken make out, went 'south' and ended up chewing on the tail-end of a tampon string. :shrug:

Beat that one!!
MrBishop said:
Once found myself in a drunken make out, went 'south' and ended up chewing on the tail-end of a tampon string. :shrug:

Beat that one!!

Nothing to do with me... but allegedly an ex of mine with his partner at the time went to southernly regions during that certain time of the month... nothing unusual... :shrug:

But it wasn't until the bus he was travelling home on went under an underpass.. (dark outside light inside) and caught his reflection in window that he realised why he'd been getting disgusted/shocked looks... he was wearing a rather fetching shade of "lipstick" and it had "ran" and then dried all over his chin some what! :winkkiss:

Needless to say his "girlfriend" had a rather strange sense of humour... why he went on to have two kids with her and marry her I'll never know!
MrBishop said:
Once found myself in a drunken make out, went 'south' and ended up chewing on the tail-end of a tampon string. :shrug:

Beat that one!!

Gross???? Don't you own a bib?
Christ man, that's nothing. A mate of mine once told me that he was ... er... playing around with a girl's nether regions, and during his ... erm... close investigations, found that she had a tampon in. Apparently, the period had ended, and she'd clean forgotten about it. Hate to imagine what THAT smelled like. :sick:
BeardofPants said:
Christ man, that's nothing. A mate of mine once told me that he was ... er... playing around with a girl's nether regions, and during his ... erm... close investigations, found that she had a tampon in. Apparently, the period had ended, and she'd clean forgotten about it. Hate to imagine what THAT smelled like. :sick:

Bugger me....she's lucky she didn't get toxic shock syndrome or summit :confused:

Gross out stuff? Hmm, plenty of those horror stories.....but not one of them compare to nursing a three yr old boy who had sickness, diahorea and the flu all at the same time ....... I dunno where the hell all that snot shit and puke came defied all the laws of physics :sick:
Oz said:
...but not one of them compare to nursing a three yr old boy who had sickness, diahorea and the flu all at the same time

Apparently "nursing" has a different meaning over there .The thought of a male nursing a 3yr old is rather disturbing,but not as disturbing as BOPs. :eww:

*remembers the episode of "Fammily Guy" where Peter gets in touch with his feminine(sp) side and tries to nurse Stewy .
A.B.Normal said:
Apparently "nursing" has a different meaning over there .The thought of a male nursing a 3yr old is rather disturbing,but not as disturbing as BOPs. :eww:

*thinks for a min*

Ah .... right, yeah....anatomical problems there methinks

Nursing was basically keeping the lil' bugger hydrated, warm and making sure he didn't fall in the toilet while throwing up...oh, and cleaning up after he let loose with various bodily functions :D
ClaireBear said:
Nothing wrong with "blood sports"... :shrug: :la:

Just make sure you clean him up after! :rolleyes:

I never minded blood sports........but it gets a bit offputting when yer find a lumpy bit (like a lil' bloodclot) and it "bursts" :sick:
first baby...he's 3-4 months old. I'm laying down holding him up above me doing the airplane/shake the baby to make him giggle, game. He hurls. Into my mouth, my eyes, my ears.

*can still taste it* :sick:
I've had diarrhea while throwing up before at the same time, couldn't stop one while doing the other, had to pick one to go in the toilet with and quickly find something to catch the other with. :sick: Good target practice. :D
Times like that are when it's good to have a tub with a toilet next to it with no wall or other separation. You can aim your ass into the shower and barf into the toilet. Makes clean-up tons easier that way, because you can just wash the runny shit down the drain.
Yeah, too bad the end of the tub next to my toilet wasn't the drain end, and it wasn't in the shower's range very well either. I should've brought a bag and turned around...