Oh Canada

Gonz... they're Canadians. :lol: What are they gonna do? Really. :rofl2:
If this had occurred in the US there would have been cause for concern... but... it's Canada. They'll make some signs, shout a little, then go home to watch hockey (or soccer) with a beer or two, eh.

(No offense intended, Bish!)

Football, Val...only you uneducated Americans call it soccer ;)

Actually, we Cannuckis are pretty good at rioting. Hell, we'll even riot when our favorite team wins :D
1) When you leave your country, you do NOT export your laws, rights and freedoms wherever you go. You either follow the laws of the country where you are visiting, or you face prosecution and expulsion from those countries.

2) The V.P. of UoO personally decided to write to MsCoulter to remind her on our laws because she'd already shown at another University in Canada, that she does not respect those laws.

3) We value freedom of speech (Which is why she's continuing her tour of Canadian Universities and other meeting places) - but we do have restrictions, much like the USA does.
4) We also value freedom of protest/assembly... which is why so many people showed up to protest against her presence.
5) SHE cancelled her speech...Canada did not. She could've continued with her speech but chose not to do so.
6) If Canada did not want her to speak, we could've simply refused her entry into Canada.
All good points, Bish. I think Americans love their rights so much that they assume their rights go with them when they travel outside our borders. We have to remember that we are under other jurisdiction when we travel. I believe it might have been Gonz (I might be wrong here) who brought this up in the thread with regards to the hikers who were put in an Iranian jail for getting lost and crossing the border into Iran.
Football, Val...only you uneducated Americans call it soccer ;)

Actually, we Cannuckis are pretty good at rioting. Hell, we'll even riot when our favorite team wins :D
No way I'm going to believe this without proof (the rioting). Post a link, Canadian! :D
No way I'm going to believe this without proof (the rioting). Post a link, Canadian! :D

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_Stanley_Cup_riot 1994
After the NHL contest was concluded, 50,000 to 70,000 individuals reportedly converged upon Downtown Vancouver. What initially was a gathering developed into a riot at Robson and Thurlow Street. This happened after an accident involving a man who fell from a lamp standard into the crowd below. The Police, who were on bicycles, attempted to escort paramedics into the crowd. However, when the crowd attempted to take a bicycle from one constable, they retreated and warned the crowd to disperse. The riot squad congregated on Thurlow St. on the West side. Shortly after that the police fired tear gas into the crowd and people ran in all directions. As the police regained control of the streets, a police constable was left in front of major retail stores that had had their windows broken. Tear gas wafted through the open windows of residents of the West End that night, and St. Paul's hospital placed guards at the emergency room entrance to prevent tear gas victims from entering, claiming there was nothing that could be done for them. Eventually, some bowls with water were placed outside by the security guards for those suffering from tear gas. The NY Times also reported on this event. [1] Total damage to the downtown core was estimated at $1.1 million CAD. Like other Robson and surrounding retailers, the then Eaton's department store had more than 50 of its storefront windows smashed.
Subduing the crowd required the efforts of both the Vancouver Police Department and Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers. In all, 540 officers were directly involved with the riot. Many individuals were arrested and charged, and up to 200 individuals were injured.[2]
The 1993 Stanley Cup Riot occurred in Montreal after the Montreal Canadiens won their 24th Stanley Cup. Fans poured out of the Montreal Forum and began to commit acts of vandalism and violence while their team was celebrating inside.[1] In the epicenter of the riots, Ste. Catherine St., stores were looted and police cruisers were set ablaze. The riots caused $2.5 million dollars in damage.[2] At the high point of the riot 980 officers were dispatched and they made 115 arrests. The police reported 47 police cars damaged, 8 of those 47 cars were completely destroyed. Of the rioters, 168 were arrested after they broke windows, looted stores and set fires. Some of the rioters were suspected of planning to loot stores using the riot as a decoy.[3]

Hell, Montreal Rioted when we reached the semi-finals in 2008
I'm in no way suggesting that Ms Coulter is above the law.

I am questioning the level of insight it takes to invite someone to your (fill in place here) when their opinoin is clearly known, then to ask them to tone it down.

I also find it fitting that, once again, the left goes to great lengths to shut down political speech. The ever peaceful & forthright Canadians were so upset that they forced the closure of a political speech...by using the "right to free speech" (which, as far as I know, is only a right in the USA.

Say what you will, just so long as it does not upset us.
I'm in no way suggesting that Ms Coulter is above the law.

I am questioning the level of insight it takes to invite someone to your (fill in place here) when their opinoin is clearly known, then to ask them to tone it down.

I also find it fitting that, once again, the left goes to great lengths to shut down political speech. The ever peaceful & forthright Canadians were so upset that they forced the closure of a political speech...by using the "right to free speech" (which, as far as I know, is only a right in the USA.

Say what you will, just so long as it does not upset us.
Oooh, now Gonz, you just opened a can of worms with that statement. ;)
Judge Orders Demonstrators Freed (Washington Post)
Pointing fingers at the Left? Tisk tisk tisk. Shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. :D
Damn, I hated it when President Bush ordered the political speech shut down. Especially when it's in a far right state like NY.

2004...was that the most recent?
I'm in no way suggesting that Ms Coulter is above the law.

I am questioning the level of insight it takes to invite someone to your (fill in place here) when their opinoin is clearly known, then to ask them to tone it down.

I also find it fitting that, once again, the left goes to great lengths to shut down political speech. The ever peaceful & forthright Canadians were so upset that they forced the closure of a political speech...by using the "right to free speech" (which, as far as I know, is only a right in the USA.

Say what you will, just so long as it does not upset us.

Two different groups involved, Gonz. MsCoulter was invited to speak by the young conservatives There were 100 of them in that hall. If they somehow managed to get the $10k speaking fee.that's their business. They chose to use a University auditorium. Requested it..Someone agreed to let them use it. :shrug: Someone must've been watching MsCoulter tell a muslim student to use her flying carpet to go places because all muslims should automatically be placed on a no-fly list. and told someone upstairs.. who warned MsCoulter to keep it civil.

MsCoulter then leaked the keep it civil letter and pissed off more people, who promptly decided to protest.

As for the "Free speech™ is an American invention" rhetoric..might I remind you that the Brits have had a patent on it since the 17th century. (Before the USA even existed).
"use her flying carpet to go places because all muslims should automatically be placed on a no-fly list."

...and this is particularly brilliant because the vast majority of muslims come from places that do not have folk legends about magic carpets. it really shows us the depth of coulter's understanding of the world's peoples and her ability to make meaningful distinctions. simply put: it's us and them, no two ways about it. no wonder ideological infants love her.
unfortunately, profiling is a useful, and I believe a necessary too.

imo though, I think we need a kind of don't ask don't tell understanding,
but some make there living on the 'shock' value.

Personally I'm not ashamed on my race, and consider it a complement is someone uses the standard slurs, as long as it isn't the 'hateful type'.

Call me a redneck, no problem...
Call me inbred, Problem.

I just don't see where she crossed that fine line in this case.

A joke is a joke. People need to lighten up on both sides.
"use her flying carpet to go places because all muslims should automatically be placed on a no-fly list."

...and this is particularly brilliant because the vast majority of muslims come from places that do not have folk legends about magic carpets. it really shows us the depth of coulter's understanding of the world's peoples and her ability to make meaningful distinctions. simply put: it's us and them, no two ways about it. no wonder ideological infants love her.

When the student said she didn't have a flying carpet, Coulter told her to "take a camel."

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2010/03/23/ottawa-coulter-speech.html#ixzz0jfaXYPn2
she uses jokes as cover. but it's quite transparent to many of us.

maybe we should make some jokes about not letting christians fly due to this recent militia-related bullshit heh?

just because you don't see how she's an asshole for what she "jokes" about from where you are standing does not make her any less of an asshole to those of us who understand her for exactly what she is.
unfortunately, profiling is a useful, and I believe a necessary too.

imo though, I think we need a kind of don't ask don't tell understanding,
but some make there living on the 'shock' value.

Personally I'm not ashamed on my race, and consider it a complement is someone uses the standard slurs, as long as it isn't the 'hateful type'.

Call me a redneck, no problem...
Call me inbred, Problem.

I just don't see where she crossed that fine line in this case.

A joke is a joke. People need to lighten up on both sides.

She said that all terrorists are Muslims - inaccurate, but no problem
Then said that all Muslims should be treated as terrorists. - problem
Then she started using stereotypical slurs - oops, too late..she crossed the line.
So what your saying is fight fire with fire.
Two wrongs make a right.

There's a right way to protest these things, and a wrong way.

Personally, I think Ann knew what the response would be, somewhat, and
intentionally brought it out with what she said, to show the opposing
side was just that hostile.
They played right into it.
Just too easy. :p
so two wrongs don't make a right but it's fine for her to use one wrong to try to provoke another?

oh, right, she's one of the good guys.

I don't think she was wrong.
That's opinion, but Mr. B's opinion IS that, so...

Reverse qualification doesn't apply in my case.

Now, if Mr. B doesn't think what the opposing side did was wrong, then the discussion changes.
That's why I asked.
You just seem to want to make Everything rhetorical I guess.

Don't try to read between lines that aren't there.
The other side as in the students who protested? Nope..they have a right to do so.
The other side as in the vp Of the University..he probably overstepped his mandate.

Her wrong was thinking that she was above the law...using a letter reminding her or her rights and their limits while in Canada and purposefully leaking it, not to prove how the left is trying to shut her up (they weren't), not to show how violent a left protest could get (It didn't) but merely to get more ink out of it. More free press/advertising.

The whole thing will get twisted out of shape with reality and used in her next book.