Oh Canada

Damn, I hated it when President Bush ordered the political speech shut down. Especially when it's in a far right state like NY.

2004...was that the most recent?
I don't believe GW Bush is running for office anymore. :lol: So no, I don't have any recent examples. :)

You're not alone with your opinion. Most of the people I know who claim affiliation with the Republicans were disgusted and embarrassed (since Bush was representing their party). For that reaction I have to give them credit.
...As for the "Free speech™ is an American invention" rhetoric..might I remind you that the Brits have had a patent on it since the 17th century. (Before the USA even existed).
No "Free Speech" for "The Colonies".
The other side as in the students who protested? Nope..they have a right to do so.
The other side as in the vp Of the University..he probably overstepped his mandate.

Her wrong was thinking that she was above the law...using a letter reminding her or her rights and their limits while in Canada and purposefully leaking it, not to prove how the left is trying to shut her up (they weren't), not to show how violent a left protest could get (It didn't) but merely to get more ink out of it. More free press/advertising.

The whole thing will get twisted out of shape with reality and used in her next book.
You have a point here about the free press/advertising. I did not know who the fuck she was until this thread. I am not shittin' you... no fuckin' idea. :dizzy:
No "Free Speech" for "The Colonies".

You have a point here about the free press/advertising. I did not know who the fuck she was until this thread. I am not shittin' you... no fuckin' idea. :dizzy:

Really? She's Limbaugh post-sex-change....but not as cute.
Canadian Right to free speech?
FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR EVERYONE!!!!! so long as it doesn't upset anyone.

Upset? You can upset to your heart's content. You cannot promote genocide or publicly incite hatred for a particular group or individual.
Gonz, you quoted yourself (or paraphrased).

I think Bish was saying there are restrictions on free speech (just like there are here in the US).
Article 11 ...
"The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law."
... when freedom of speech interferes or conflicts with other rights.
(Examples: hate speech, pornography and intentions to do harm.)

Some of what this Ann Coulter says is simply offensive and is allowable under Article 11, and some of it is considered "hate speech" and is not.
Reread my post.

...shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law

As far as I know both sedition and unconstitutional are defined by law.

too hard! me wantie bumper sticker and funny picture of obama-san!!!!

Everyone, study that carefully.
I agree with Gonz ... study that carefully, because it is our law and has been for some time.
What I actually said (that was omitted from the quote):
"I think Bish was saying there are restrictions on free speech (just like there are here in the US).
Article 11 ...
'The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.'
... when freedom of speech interferes or conflicts with other rights.
(Examples: hate speech, pornography and intentions to do harm.)

Some of what this Ann Coulter says is simply offensive and is allowable under Article 11, and some of it is considered "hate speech" and is not."

Study it and understand the nature of "free speech". You can not yell "fire" in a crowded theater if there is none.
Article 11? My Consititution only goes to Artlicle VII.

Perhaps article 11 says it anyway...

'The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.'

So Freedom of Speech is a government granted privilege?

"Fire!", in a closed theatre can create an immediate personal hazard. Whant Ms Coulter says does not.