oh no the molester church is in trouble again

You too, RM... you seem to like to post pics (damn glad I'm not on dialup anymore). Here's a great place to choose some kitteh awesomeness pics. :D

The world would be a better place with more pictures of kittens and puppies. Aaaahhhhhhhh
What a unique website, thanks val. I have a small collection of imagery myself.

OK, back on topic. :)
Recognizing the problem, facing the problem and publicly apologizing for the crimes of these pedophile priests is a good first start.
Please read the article for the full story, but here is the major points which I found to be useful.
German archbishop says church failed abuse victims
BERLIN – The head of Germany's Roman Catholic bishops said in an unusually forthright Good Friday statement that the church in the pope's homeland failed to help victims of clerical sex abuse because it wanted to protect its reputation.
Clerics have neglected helping abuse victims by a "wrongly intended desire to protect the church's reputation," Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg said on the day that Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The news about sexual and physical abuse of children by priests and other employees leaves the church with "sadness, horror and shame," he said.
There is a lot more and I encourage you to read it.

I hope that this is one step toward healing for the victims as well as one step toward an internal change in handling pedophile priests in the Catholic Church.
I think I saw something about the CC is looking at booting pedos and giving them them cops. I dunno, I was on the phone with my wife when I scanned by it.

Maybe they are adjusting to the times.
I think I saw something about the CC is looking at booting pedos and giving them them cops. I dunno, I was on the phone with my wife when I scanned by it.

Maybe they are adjusting to the times.
That would be another step toward acknowledging the problem and protecting victims.

I don't think they should completely turn their backs on the pedophile priests. If they talk the talk they should walk the walk. Let the priests serve their time for the crime and if they still want be priests when they come out into society, find a remote location to send them to where they will never have contact with children.
If sexual identity is an immutable trait, I think they should go midevil on the pedos. Clean the gene poole, drain the swamp..
Not sure where you got that idea. I've always presented myself as married to a guy. Are you perhaps mixing me up with Cerise? I know we're the two females on this board that post often, but I can't tell you which team she plays on. I don't get any vibe, either way, from her over such things.
mea culpa val, mea culpa.

Why doesn't the vatty reopen up a castration dungeon, they already have the facility's.
Eewww... I think those days are over. *GASP!*

I read a book on the Spanish Inquisition from a historian. It was very informative. I had no idea that there were other inquisition groups in Europe (and eventually, the Americas) going on. The only one that was successful was the Spanish Inquisition, mainly because if you were accused they got to take all your belongings, property and money and toss your family out on the street while you were "interrogated" (with The Rack, or Water Boarding, or other such "interrogation" techniques). They just got wealthier and more powerful over the centuries.