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Its kinda kitty corner across the road at the end of my driveway...across the road from the big brown house beside me. Not too bad...but it won't likely be daily anymore :D
In dead of winter, do you put on full winter gear to go fetch it, say 'screw it' and just do it in house clothes, or snap your fingers and get one of the boys to do it?
It's 67F here in C-ville, just south of Tallahassee, FL-- or so says weather.com. With the sun beating down on this metal box I live in, though, the thermostat in the kitchen is reading just shy of 80F. :)
unclehobart said:
In dead of winter, do you put on full winter gear to go fetch it, say 'screw it' and just do it in house clothes, or snap your fingers and get one of the boys to do it?
I've sprinted in tshirt and shorts before, it looks kinda silly with boots on but it's faster than changing :D
You got the snow, we got the rain... I heard possible flurries in the forecast a few days ago but we never got it.

Today is 55F but it's supposed to drop by 10 degrees starting tomorrow. Figures, the Saturday Rusty and I decide to take a jaunt to the city. I'm not used to dressing in layers, I didn't even have to do that last winter at all. I don't even have a scarf. *sigh*
I sure as hell hope it isn't here to stay til spring!!! :eek:

Usually, any snow that falls before Christmas (and some after) will disappear within a few days.