It stopped around noon, the sun's melting it quick...it's almost gone off the chair, it's still laying though, not going as fast as I thought off the ground. It did stay that one year a couple years back, snowed early October and never went :eek:


pic_6832.jpg, 91.42kb

I still don't think I'd use that chair yet. And tell them kids to get out there and pick up their damn Tonka Trucks.
They will be when the snow's gone, they're worried about all their little action figures and army men that will be lost till spring if they don't get 'em :D
PuterTutor said:
I still don't think I'd use that chair yet. And tell them kids to get out there and pick up their damn Tonka Trucks.

and make them do it without their boots & coats. That'll teach 'em :evil:
sidebar question: Do you have any kind of external hutch or storage cabinet for tools and gardening equipment and such?
Yep, there's a shed out back for all that, and we ran out of room, so now there's a tarp lean-to as well :blush:
Ah well... I was thinking you could use it as a secondary freezer and just unplug the fridge altogether for that 90 day core winter cold period. I've seen special iceboxes in the high lattitudes that have air gates where you can just shut down the power and let the natural external air run through your fridge to do the work for none of the cost.
I've had to move my beer indoors from my shed fridge. For the next 4 months, it's my shed icebox.
:D We've done that out there, it's where the beer goes in winter if we have a ton of it in.
Chair-o-meter is about the same as the last pic, no more snow as yet *knocks wood*

warm snuggles always welcome :D
Tonka trucks are invulnerable to things like snow. Ok, almost. However, what about the bike??!?!?!?!