Oil for Food humanitarian aid?

Yeah, I hear after moustache man is the documentary "So, the Government raped and killed your 15 year old daughter, get over it"
The oil for food program was set up to control where the money went from oil sales ,its managed by the UN to make sure the Iraqis get food not what Sadam would like to spend the money on.The Iraq Gov. is blaming Blix for pulling out and leaving the Iraqis without food they have already paid for.
nalani said:
if they hate the US and the Allied Forces so much, and are loyal to such a man, then go ahead and chant all you want ... but don't take the help.

I guess if all your stuff is blown up and you have kids to feed some people might put their ideals on the back burner for a second to stay alive.
nalani said:
the people the aid is supposed to help were assholes when the aid came, chanting their loyalty to Saddam as they grabbed at all the water and food provided for them ...

Let's see what they're doing after he's removed from power. Right now, they know that some Fayyeed motherfucker is sitting in London or NYC watching, taping & writing things down which gets passed to those in Iraq. Hard to blame them when they have a rifle pointed at their youngest childs brains.
Sometimes you amaze me flavio. Actually, your opinion is consistently bewildering. The Iraqi people have been dirt poor and abused for decades under Saddam's regime. For many, the supplies the Americans and allies brought is their first experience with two meals a day... ever. Sure, power is out in many places (like the impoverished masses are pissed because they can't watch their TV or nuke some popcorn right now... :rolleyes: ), and there are some people that are genuinely put in a "hard spot" because of damage from the attacks. But by and large, these people are probably being fed better than they have been for years, and yet you're bitching about us causing them grief? Simply amazing. :disgust2:
I'll repeat ,the Food the UN was bringing in was Bought by the Sale of the Iraqi oil ,it was not donated. As far as The current supply ships have not entered Umm Qasar because of mines,I beleive they are due in Fri,until then they are free to bitch as it was there money that bought it ,the fact they choose to feel badly about those who deliver it is their choice. .
outside looking in said:
there are some people that are genuinely put in a "hard spot" because of damage from the attacks. But by and large, these people are probably being fed better than they have been for years

Does that make you feel better to think good thoughts and ignore reality?
"Sixty per cent of the local population are still without access to a regular water supply - this could develop into a humanitarian crisis.

"We are really, really going to try and gain access to the supply and do anything we can to repair it."

The UN's children's aid agency Unicef said that 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk of dehydration and diseases such as diarrhoea due to the lack of clean water.

They take what they can get while we bomb all their stuff. If we weren't there "liberating" them they wouldn't need a lot of this stuff.

Does that make you feel better to think naive thoughts and ignore reality?

flavio said:
"Sixty per cent of the local population are still without access to a regular water supply - this could develop into a humanitarian crisis.

"We are really, really going to try and gain access to the supply and do anything we can to repair it."

The UN's children's aid agency Unicef said that 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk of dehydration and diseases such as diarrhoea due to the lack of clean water.

Reality ->

Flavio is a smug little shit with a transparent agenda who never bothers to say anything original himself....but rather, simply cuts bits and pieces of articles that fit his agenda.
A.B.Normal said:
I'll repeat ,the Food the UN was bringing in was Bought by the Sale of the Iraqi oil ,it was not donated.

May I dispel that myth? It will be repaid but, once again, the American taxpayer is picking up the tab.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

March 20, 2003

Presidential Determination No. 2003-17

Memorandum for the Secretary of State

Subject: Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended

Pursuant to section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1), I hereby determine that it is important to the national interest that up to $22 million be made available from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund to meet unexpected urgent refugee and migration needs that are anticipated in the event of a future humanitarian emergency in the Middle East, to include contingency planning for such needs. Such an emergency may arise if it becomes necessary for the United States and other nations to use military force to disarm the Iraqi regime of its weapons of mass destruction. These funds may be used, as appropriate, to provide contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations, as well as for administrative expenses to manage this response by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

You are authorized and directed to inform the appropriate committees of the Congress of this determination and the obligation of funds under this authority, and to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

madrin said:
Reality ->

Flavio is a smug little shit with a transparent agenda who never bothers to say anything original himself....but rather, simply cuts bits and pieces of articles that fit his agenda.

Either say something intelligent or fuck off. I'm not playing your stupid insult game anymore.
well you're forced to, Flavio, because I always try to aim my responses at the intellectual level that the target achieves.

..in your case I think I'm at about 100% bullseye rate you moronic cretin.

I'm not sure why most people walk around on egg shells here with you, but I'll call a spade a spade...

You are, without doubt, the most dubious, intellectually bereft, ineffective, and transparent poster on these boards...

even Jizlick has you beat...exponentially.

Everything you say is cloaked in some justthisclose to clever one liner that twists facts and statistics to attempt make your half ass poorly thought out argument. I laugh at you....

...everyone else seems to be sick of you...there's a reason for that. It's because you're a fucking dolt...

I deal with people like you on a daily basis. I'm used to hearing "fuck off" from people who fail miserably in society, whether it's in real life or on some message board. I and pretty much everyone else know what you're all about ...you're not fooling anyone.

Feeling pretty good now?

got a clever one liner for me?

...yeah...didn't think so....

...get over yourself..it's not my or anyone else's problem that you have to squat to take a leak.Either man up or run along now and complain to the powers that be....kiddie corner sounds somewhat comforting....either way everyone will probably be happier...

..this coming from the most idiotic little cockbite around...

I wear it like a fucking badge of honor....

flavio said:
Does that make you feel better to think good thoughts and ignore reality?

Christ flavio, ever think that maybe, just maybe, reality is somewhat different than you perceive it through your extreme liberal bias? Ever think that, just possibly, your three sentence cut&paste's don't define the scope of reality? Ever think the world might be just a bit more complex than "war is bad, peace is good?"

No matter what is said here, you jump head first into the "Bush is the devil, war is the devil, conservatives are the devil..." bullshit. Someone says "I hope our soldiers come home safe" and you barge right in with your "I wonder if they know they're doing the wrong thing" rhetoric. Might as well just say "I hope they die as punishment for their sins."

It would be about as useful, about as transparent, and about as fucking retarted.
outside looking in said:
I wonder if they know they're doing the wrong thing

I never said that.

You said:

outside looking in said:
But by and large, these people are probably being fed better than they have been for years,

To debate the point I posted this:

flavio said:
The UN's children's aid agency Unicef said that 100,000 children under the age of five are at risk of dehydration and diseases such as diarrhoea due to the lack of clean water.

So it looks like you are mistaken. If you have anything to back up your claim then go ahead and post it though.