OK men, throw down here >>


Well-Known Member
I have a challenge, one that is not for the faint of heart. This, men, is your worst nightmare. This challenge is for real men only.

Here’s the challenge: You’re off and away from the woman you love, or just because you love her and she deserves it. You need to write her a love letter; one that will swoon her and make her weak in the knees.

Write your letter to any situation you like and post it here.


  • Give a sentence of the situation (geographic distance between you, ~time apart, or she just that deserves a little extra-special concern today).

  • [*]No pulling it off the internet or E-harmony.com, it has to be your creativity.

We will let the women among us give us feed back on our sensitivities.

And ladies, please no comments on content until we have at least 3 real men with their letters up. If you ladies think this could be a fun exercise in personal growth for the men, lend you encouragement to them to face their fears.

Any women interested in helping to refine the sensitivities of the local men of OTC?

I will work on a letter and have it up here by tomorrow.

Remember, this is for real men only, those who can’t bring themselves to meet this challenge, well . . .

Let the challenge begin.

(gato prolly has the edge on this challenge)
I don't need to write my woman a letter to prove I love her or because she deserves it. In fact our relationship is so sound that if I did write a letter she'd grow suspicious & wonder what the hell happened to her husband & shoot the guy that gave her such a weak-kneed list of nonsense anyway.
Mee smells fear

Have you no romance left in your soul man?
Does not your wife deserve the kindling of the fires that brought you together?
Has life become but a static state?
What would it mean to her for you deliver her some of your sensitivities? Or has she forgotten you have them?

Just think of this as practice. (on an open forum, we will keep it a secret OK?)
Hobart wins...all the rest of y'all just put the gauntlets down and back away slowly.
show me the money-shot baby!

I am betting that no one, not even the liberal dudes (chcr, Bishy etc.) have the sesitivities to throw down here.
I'll play . . .

Hi, hon! I miss ya. It's been five long days since I went offshore, but the hitch will be over soon and I'll be back home, where you can fix me something to eat. Go grocery shopping before I get back, OK? Be sure there's plenty of beer in the fridge, and wash my truck, too - it was pretty dirty when I left. See ya soon.

I hope that wasn't too mushy.
ResearchMonkey said:
Who is BOB?

Battery Operated Boyfriend.

Miss ya. I cant wait to come home again. I promise to hold you as tight as I can all night. I miss your voice. Wish you were here.


god that sounded bad. I really sound like a wuss at times
Ok, its smut, but that werks (werked ;))

Hi honey,

It’s just me; I have something that has been on my mind that I wanted to tell you about.

We met by chance and you thought I was the “the last man woman would ever want to get involved with”. Such is the unpredictable weather of life; your forecast was less then accurate. I have been thinking about the seasons of our life. We have traveled the changing seasons gaining so much along the way. We have done well all be told.

‘Our seasons’ have been passing as nature intended. As I think about them and the meandering path through each, I clearly see the natural course and purpose of each one.

I can’t forget the wilds of freedom and spontaneity during the hot summer of our courtship. I remember the mourning and unsure nature of fall as we gave up our old ways and began our life as one. How we endured the winter harshness of our new life huddled as a young family keeping each other warm and safe. With the busy joys of spring, we have watched and nurtured the growth of our family; it has been the most excitingly wondrous experience I could have ever wanted.

‘Our year’ is coming full circle soon; it has been long and hard, worthy of our efforts and sacrifices. With the wisdoms of time we have become so much more than we were when we began our journey. With spring waning and the children becoming young people the summer again comes, and I wonder. What will the traversing equinox bring to our lives?

I think back to our first season, the summer of courtship. We knew so little of life and what was truly the core of our being. I regale in the thoughts of our summer storms, their power and their beauty.

I foresee the unpredictable inevitability of our summer storms ahead. The way the calm day is unsuspectingly and suddenly changed. The distant clouds begin to grow, the first sensation of the warm wind blows across your body and you know the storm will be upon you soon. The clouds begin to change from soft white angels to heavy chaotic energy. You feel the cracks of lightning reaching from the earth to the sky, the humidity begins to rise. As the storm creeps closer you become lost in anticipation of the unknown. As the warm rain runs down your back the clouds begin to move faster, wildly with grace and beauty. Swiftly the clouds become a turbulent and violent dance; thunder and lightning are striking the ground sending pounding shocks through your soul. The heart beats hard and fast as the storm unleashes its full energy with all its fury as if it were fighting off death itself. As the energy quickly fades you’re able to think of only the raw emotion of it all. The calm after the storm, the feeling of droplets running down your face and the coolness of the breeze upon moist skin, to stare into the softened eyes of the changed clouds once the storm has been released.

It has been a good ‘year’ us, I look forward to each and every season we will have together and the gifts we cannot yet imagine.

Your loving Husband.

Come on guys, you have no idea how many husband point you will get until you do it. You can't lose doing it.

(minor edits from the one I presented to my wife)
Right On Idle!

Click here and read on

I have seen men posting their lives onto this board with vigor and pride.

What is pride? Is it your machismo?. Is it your cool factor? Is it the facade of which you hide behind?

Threads filled with condemnation and accusations with the heavy emotions of hate and disdain.

You are hallow and undeservingly self-righteous.

You call these your opinions; you know how to be combative for the entire world to see.

What are you really sharing with the world, the negative flux that spews into the world in the written form of your mental imprint?

Is it you or the deceiving presentation of the phenomenological perception of self?

What do you have to share with the world? Do you really even know what you think?

You keep what you fear inside because of the ‘weakness’ that might leak out?

How much do really know of what you think?

I see heart felt opinions in the RW, but where are your feelings that define you as worthy?

The feelings of the truly enlightened are kept hidden from view, WHO ARE YOU?

What do really know of yourself if you can only express the ineptitude of others neutered opinions that have no relevance to the real you?

How can a man be complete if you can’t reach into the bag of shit you call a mind, find the good and bring it forth?

I laugh at the weak and rotting testosterone as it passes thru thread with out a peep.

I smell the stench of fear brought up from the core of your being.

How can you lay claim of knowledge if you don’t know yourself, if you can’t face your own fears?

Your biggest fear is you.


welcome to those that are willing to know thyself.

(I cant believe the Les is the only gal egg'ing this on !)
I was going to do it till you called me a liberal and pissed me off. :p
I'm a songwriter, I have my wife because I wrote her a love song. Maybe if you don't piss me off again too soon I'll post that.
I don't have a girl anymore, so no inspiration for me. I wrote my ex several times, on some occasions it was poems and on others letters. They were all handwritten and I have no copies of them.
I'd sure love to see some 'from the heart' stuff from regular joes like you boys...might gimme back some hope that it's out there somewhere in somebody.
You know, the other night I came home from work (10 and a half hours - a LONG day), and the BF had vacuumed, cleaned, scrubbed, washed, ironed, dusted, and cleared away all the junk in the apartment while I was gone. He sat me down in front of the tv with a glass of red wine, and cooked me dinner as well (pasta, with roma tomatoes, pine nuts, basil, olives, snapper, rosemary, and pecorino). And after that, he massaged my feet :love: Sometimes it's little things like that, that keep us women hooked, (AND we're more likely to put out;)).