OK men, throw down here >>

Ok here I go

Hey sweety, whats up? It has been exactly 3 days, 14hrs, 6mins and 37 secs....38secs....39secs...40secs...(ok I'll stop :) ) since you've been at your buisness trip and since on friday nights we always sit outside on the porch together I thought i'd write to you.

I know, I know that e-mail isn't exactly a perfumed sprayed letter garnished with hand crafted goodness but in the time it would take me to write a grandiose letter worthy of your eyes you'd return home and i'd still wouldn't have taken out the trash (i'll take it out right after I am done typing this for you...I promise *crosses fingers*)

Everything here is great and Jake misses you....which reminded me...Jake, out of nowhere, came up to me today and asked "Daddy, how did you meet mommy". I tell ya....kids, at even the age of seven, just know what questions to ask to make their parents stop in their tracks. Ofcourse I had to tell him and while I was telling him it was almost like I was reminding myself again how I met you and fell in love with you. Going over the whole ordeal just reminded me at how you were the only one that brought that side out in me.....by just walking down that street every morning and smiling at me you made me see how much more of a person I could be because a girl like you deserved more than what I was all those years ago.....you made me want to change, to be a better man and after that morning....well you know the rest.

Oh and guess what happened again this morning. I was walking back home from the office and get this.....I overheard this rose talking about how it was the most beautiful thing in the world. It kept going on and on about how it was the most perfect living thing ever created. So I had to go over and disagree. I went up to the rose and told him "No sir, I disagree, I do know of someone more perfect than you, someone of more finer affairs and fashions". The Rose got angry and asked me "Sir either you jest or are in great dellusions because of all that be, I reign supreme in my beauty". I smiled back and told the rose "Oh I do say you're of tremendous labor, a creature of desire and love but I know maiden far more fair than you can ever be....you were merely created to adorn her hair, not challenge her". So the rose got angry and told me in a very stern manner "Ok I see I can not impress an idiot so only thing remains for us to settle this....show me her face and show me why she is above all". I smiled and replied "OK, I will but if you're so assured of your perfection than why not wager a bet...of lets say 20 dollars". So the rose agreed and so assured that it would win that I brought the rose and 11 of it's friends along with me home.

....hee hee.....8 years ago that was the easiest 20 dollares I ever made and 8 years later it was still the easiest 20 dollars I ever made.

See you home soon love.
Here is a love letter.

It's been over 18 years since we go together. It's been 13 years since we married. It's been almost 11 years since our child was born. I made a vow. I've kept that vow. I'd do it all again in a heart beat. What's for dinner?
Dear Sweetheart, love of my life, apple of my eye, my muse, my inspiration, my sole reason for existance.

Without you my life would be an empty play with hollow characters. Without you I would forget how to laugh, to smile, to love another. Without you all that I am would crumble to dust. Without you I would collapse, choking, hurting to be by your side.

You are the music in my mind, the laughter in the forest, the bursting bloom of a glorious springtime. You are my hope when all seems dark, my companion that gives life it's freedom, my wisdom when all seems hopeless.

With all my heart I promise to love you. To be strong when you need strength, to be a shoulder that will share your times of grief. I'll bring you all that I can, when you need comfort my heart is open to you, when you feel down, I'll act the clown and bring a smile to your lips. When life is tough and the way is uncertain, I'll walk beside you, holding your hand, through the darkest days.

But not today....

Y'see, fred called.....so we're off to the pub :drink: So I'll see ya on Monday :D


What's that I hear? A gauntlet...someone threw down a gauntlet?
Sounds fun...then again, I've posted some poetry down here, so thiss shouldn't be too difficult. :D

This afternoon. :D

I've bruised my heart with my desire.
I feel it throbbing in my chest.
It pulses every moment, harder
harder still, there is no rest.
I cannot calm it's maddening rhythm,
I cannot slow it's hard descent
It claims my smiles, my tears, my fire
I won't deny it 'till I'm spent.
MrBishop said:
What's that I hear? A gauntlet...someone threw down a gauntlet?
Sounds fun...then again, I've posted some poetry down here, so thiss shouldn't be too difficult. :D

This afternoon. :D

You win Marc!

Love the sexual innuendo and allegory going on there!!!!

Sweet yet dirty.. just how I like em!

A close second to Oz though... I think that must be a NorthEastern thing.

An Ex of mine actually left me a note like that once... I thought it really funny... seriously I did! He had a great sense of humour.... when I turned it over it said... "I mean the first stuff by the way. Come round to the pub and join me"
ClaireBear said:
You win Marc!

Love the sexual innuendo and allegory going on there!!!!

Sweet yet dirty.. just how I like em!

A close second to Oz though... I think that must be a NorthEastern thing.

An Ex of mine actually left me a note like that once... I thought it really funny... seriously I did! He had a great sense of humour.... when I turned it over it said... "I mean the first stuff by the way. Come round to the pub and join me"

I win? I didn't even enter yet. That was just a sampler from something I posted in the arts forum a while back. I have better... "In the middle of the night" is better...especially since Luis helped me translate it into Spanish. :D

Thanks again, Luis! She still loves it :D

In the middle of the night,
when e'en the sun has gone to rest.
This is the time I love,
the time I care for you the best.
I see you sleeping by my side,
your restful face is all agleam,
your lips are smiling and I see,
that this is like living a dream.
Your lover's breath is on my face,
its warming touch reaches me heart,
your hair so soft, so full of light,
by grace or love, we'll never part.
When morning comes, and you awake,
I'll start the day with smiles, its true
I'll live my day with all the world,
but keep my dreaming nights for you.
I don’t go away from home often…there’s no reason for me to do so without my family well in tow, although for at least 2 weekends in August, I get to drive to Petawawa (4hours) to help my bro work on his house…this might come in handy.


I hate having to write this letter to you because it means that I am not with you. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t miss you too much…that all the work that I had to do here would somehow help. Now, I know that I was merely lying to myself. I miss you terribly.

I arise early and leave for work as soon as I can, trying desperately to occupy my mind with other trivial matters, but every once in a while, there is a lull in my day and suddenly, you’re there…or rather, you’re not. I take a lunch, and sit alone, even if I’m with someone else. Their words wash over me and I can only stare into space, visualizing your smile or the way that you play with your hair.

The hours after work are the worst…returning to my hotel room only reminds me of how small my life without you really is. The rooms four walls becoming my existence, enclosed and tight, with only artificial light and the idiocy of television to keep me company. I often find myself turning form the news or some show to comment to you or just to smile at some inside joke that whatever was on TV triggered, but you’re not there. I don’t watch TV much anymore.

Sleeping is a chore. Before leaving home for this damneable business conference, I never realized how the mere sound of your breathing next to me soothes me into slumber. I never realized that I would feel a chill at night without your body next to mine, warming it from the heart outwards. When I do manage to sleep, and I’m sure that my mind will leave me be, I find that my dreams are my only consolation. In them I dance with you, or walk with you…or just sit silently by your side.

My body has not forgotten you, and I wake every morning reaching out for you for the first kiss of the day. I hope that you miss me as well, and that we shall soon be together again. Until then, I’ll keep your picture close at hand and your love close to my heart.

Love always,
I was going to contribute, but, as I read some of the female responses, I just don't feel the need. The absolute last thing I want to do is screw up somebody elses love life by being used as a comparison.

I can see it now...BF/Spouse/Significant other returns home from a short trip (business), and the GF/Wife/Significant other meets him/her at the door.

"I got your note."
"I'm glad. I hope you liked it..."
"It was nice, but it was nothing like this (holding up print-out from OTC)
"But mine was from the heart..."
"But yours just isn't very romantic. You've been gone for 'X' days, and all I get is this? You just don't appreciate me, do you..."
however, it's nice to see that men are capable of more than "well fuck I married ya didn't I?"
Leslie said:
however, it's nice to see that men are capable of more than "well fuck I married ya didn't I?"


That line didn't have you 'weak in the knees'?


You still won't read my stuff, though... ;)
The net is full of deliciously bad love poems...

You mean all the world to me.
Without you I can't be free.
You make me pant considerably.
You're my love guppy.

You have the finest rosebud's taste.
Without you my life is waste,
I'll stick to you like Elmer's paste.
You're my love guppy.

I'd break through a citadel.
I'd fight with a raging bull,
Though winning would seem improbable.
You're my love guppy.

My love's as strong as the mid-ocean ridge.
You shine like the rainbow bridge
or like that light inside my fridge.
You're my love guppy.

For you I'd consume haggis,
or lose the joys of Bacchus,
or live in sin with Mike Dukakis.
You're my love guppy.

No time's too long for me to wait.
For you, I'd fight against Fate,
though maybe you could lose some weight,
You're my love guppy.

Without you, I'd be not whole,
I would have to sell my soul,
or gulp a quart of Tide-E-Bowl.
You're my love guppy.

My passion is always mounting.
I'm like a geyser founting.
Well, maybe not, but who's counting?
You're my love guppy.

The love that is the more intense
always has the most silence,
like quiet bursts of flatulence.
You're my love guppy.

I know that my love is true.
I know that you'll love me too,
or I'll hold my breath 'till I turn blue
You're my love guppy.

I'd not forget you if I tried.
You make me all warm inside.
My love's as pure as Naugahyde.
You're my love guppy.

Then I hear the words let slip
From betwixt impatient lips,
"I want to have a relationship.
You're my love guppy."
Leslie said:
Hobart wins...all the rest of y'all just put the gauntlets down and back away slowly.
Were you thinking of my trashy pirate novellas on ol' JJR's? ...'cause I don't really recall writing too many serious poems of woo.
yep, that's exactly what I was thinking of...if you can come up with that lovely stuff off the cuff this oughta be a piece of cake :D