On a personal note

I'm sorry to hear about this man. We've had our disagreements since I've arrived but I genuinely offer you and your family best wishes and hope that your eventual treatment goes well, so you'll be back soon to give me loads.
Well, as always seems to happen, right about the time I'm supposed to see a doc...right about the time things get unbearable...it goes away for a few days. I still got the tests tomorrow though.

Thanks y'all.
Kinda like a sick kid who gets sent home from school and is fine and dandy once s/he gets home?

Good to hear that you're getting a reprieve from the pain. Good luck with the results!
MrBishop said:
Kinda like a sick kid who gets sent home from school and is fine and dandy once s/he gets home?

That is a BAD analogy. A sick child who gets sent home from school was more often than not faking it while at school so they could go home.
I dunno about that one...maybe it's the environment that makes the kid feel better...or it could be having hurled up a lung. Always helps me :)
Maybe it's a severe food intolerance to something. Those obviously come and go when you've ingested something then gotten it out of your system.
During my mothers battle
once she gave up
she was lost

as Churchhill said:

"Never, never, never, never give up."
MrBishop said:
I dunno about that one...maybe it's the environment that makes the kid feel better...or it could be having hurled up a lung. Always helps me :)
It seems like you could only do that twice.
Gonz said:

Did you want to know something?

*okay over smartass remarks to Gonz* :winkkiss:

He survived the test, although we are not sure they did the right test. What in the past has taken anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour, only took 7 minutes last night. This was suppose to be a more detailed test.

The after effects weren't as bad as usual. I guess we play the famous waiting game....either wait for results or wait for the pain to come back. I know which one my dollar is on.
although we are not sure they did the right test.

Tell me again why we semi-worship & overpay these educated guessers to tell us (usually) what we already know.

Went for a little ambulance ride Sunday evening. After the EMS techs were unable to get an IV started (in all fairness, I have no veins left), PLUS the 25 minute ride, PLUS an additional hour and forty minutes in an ER bed with ZERO pain relief, I am finally given a little help, then sent home because Broom Hilda on duty (with whom I have had previous pleasantries) doesn't know what else to do.

Arrive at Casa Del SnP: 10-10:30 pm.
Awakened with ungodly, mind splitting pain again: 1:28 am.

This morning, it was on. Me lovely andf multi-talented wife loaded me into the car and to the doc we went. Reasoning being, if you do what you're supposed to and go the ER route and get less than nothing, then it's time for Plan B. I approached the heavily fortified receptionists' desk and calmly and politely (yes, I am capable...) let her know that if it took til midnight I had to see doc today whenever they could get me in.

They got me in.

After much consultation and plain-n-simple facing what this is doing to me, he: Upped the pain meds; Put me out of work indefinately; Made the call to the GI doc in another town that ran Friday's tests.

I will be seen again Friday, and called if the tests show anything drastic.

Options were and will continue to be discussed, but once it's all on the table, my decision will be made quickly. Right now is the first time I've really been on my feet all day (these pills kick ass...) and I am starving. I am not to eat before Wednesday or later if I can make it. I last ate on Saturday, except for about six bites Sunday morning. If I see one more Ruby Tuesday commercial I will go mad.

Sorry to hear about all the pain your in there........but glad the pain meds are helping you feel better and eating. I belive in prayer and they are a comin' your way sweetie. :winkkiss: