On a personal note

MrBishop said:
So...what ARE the options? We talking surgery here?

The only option they are giving us right now is to manage the pain as best they can. They put him on a stronger form of morophine. He is still hurting a pretty good amount right now. If it isn't any better this afternoon I will call doc again and see what we can do.

Once the test results come back hopefully by Wednesday, then they will come up with a game plan. He is out of work until we get some answers, which in itself is driving him nuts. He has another doctors appointment on Friday so we will probably being sitting down with them and going over what to do.
Update for those interested...

I'm going back to work tomnorrow. The pain meds I am on now are controlling 90% of it. Plus, I'm going fucking bugeyed stuck here in this house. It'll be weeks before I get any results back; some of the samples were sent to the Mayo Clinic for analysis,and that takes awhile. They keep finding things with every test, some good some not too spiffy. But sitting here on my rumpus is not gonna pay the bills forever, and I may need the remaining time off with pay later.

My sincere wish is that none of you ever have to go through anything like this. I can say with total confidence that this crap sucks mightily.

I shudder to see what me felons have been up to once word got out that the cat was away. Plus it's coming up on Christmas...'tis the season to be shoplifting falalalala and all that noise. Should be interesting...I expect a few surprises, and a few not so surprising surprises.

Well, back to the salt mines.
Here's hoping you find a 100% pain free future, sooner rather than later.
SouthernN'Proud said:
The pain meds I am on now are controlling 90% of it.
That's great news, I'm glad it's able to help you get back to being active again. And eating! Hope your results are as good as they can be. :)
Good to hear that at least the pain's gone away. I'd be willing to bet that you're not the only one glad to have you off your tuckus and out of the house again ;)

AllEars' said:
I'm offended....ME?? Horns Never :swing:

Hey! Now my carefully phrased, and 100% accurate, description of your last av is no longer valid. How sneaky. :grumpy:
Hey Mike, I've kept you and AE in my thoughts and prayers since you first mentioned the "problem" at another Board. I've missed your cantankerous self.
Still keeping my fingers crossed for ya!
yeah well I think the grim reaper knows if he
comes round lookin'

thar's gonna be a scrap

and that's why he's a stayin' away!
He just doesn't want to hear about all the evil shit Lincoln did, over & over & over & over again :D
'nother update...

I got decent news for once. The tests ruled out a lot of real serious shit. I do have rheumatoid arthritis in my hips and lower spine, which is sort of masking some of the pancreas pain. I'm back to wait and see mode, but if/when another pancreas attack hits, the specialist I see is gonna go in immediately and see what is causing it now that he knows what ISN'T causing it. So I'm still succeptible to an ambulance ride anytime, but maybe it'll be the last one.
I guess it's better news than what this thread started as. Glad to hear it! Let's hope they can figure it out once and for all.
I'm with Gonz on this one .. I'm glad to hear that you're better (?)

Truth is, I have no doubt that you'll be fine .. you're too damned stubborn to be any other way ;) *hug*