ON guns. Intresting link/survey included

bleach said:
This thread scares the hell outa me..........are things really that bad that we need to go out and buy a shitload of guns? :blank:

*pops out to buy kevlar underpants*

Not exactly.

Its just that if your going to have one, then you need to have it accessible-not having it where you can get to it kinda defeats the purpose.

I dont like to "brandish" or carry guns back and forth between the two car and the house.

I have revised my gun planning a little though. Im going to sale the shotgun back to the gun store. My kid is three now and I am no longer comfortable having it in the top of the closet (trigger lock or not).

So in about a month, Ill have one compact .40 that stays in the safe thats bolted to my bed. And one subcompact .40 that I either wear, or have in the glove box of my car (which is always locked when Im not driving the car).

And a little tiny 6oz .32 that will only ever come out of the safe bolted to my bed when its very hot and Im just wearing shorts and a T-shirt.

I dont really think that is "so bad". I know guys with dozens of guns and military style rifles....THEY SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME!

The jury is still out on whether gun control laws reduce violence, according to a report Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has been criticized for considering injuries from firearms a public health issue.

google, cdc, guns laws & look under "news", there are several variants of this story
AnomalousEntity said:
I dont like to "brandish" or carry guns back and forth between the two car and the house.

AE, just a quick question - if your car happened to be stolen with your gun in it, would you be held liable for it?

And if that gun is used in a criminal act & you never reported it as stolen, won't you get in trouble?
AlphaTroll said:
AE, just a quick question - if your car happened to be stolen with your gun in it, would you be held liable for it?

And if that gun is used in a criminal act & you never reported it as stolen, won't you get in trouble?


I would no doubt be questioned but I couldnt be held liable for a crimnal who by breaking the law, illegally obtained a weapon and then used it to further break laws any more than you would be liable or anyone else.

My car however has an ignition disconnect, security system, and key disconnect.

The jury is still out on whether gun control laws reduce violence, according to a report Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has been criticized for considering injuries from firearms a public health issue.
google, cdc, guns laws & look under "news", there are several variants of this story

It doesnt surprise me. I have read this many many times and here is my stance.

1) Stricter gun laws will make no difference what so ever (and may actually worsen violence committed with guns).

2) Anything that can cause deaths or injuries is in fact a public health issue.


1) If you want to have no impact on violent crime (or probably make it worse)- Go the "gun control route"

2) If you want to really make some progress-Go the "get tough on crime" method.
Ok...IMHO...no insults etc.

In most, if not all, of the examples that you have used AE, I would think that even having a gun on you, or in the house, that you would not be able to bring the gun into play.

In the case of home invasions...for it (invasion) to be succesfull, there would have to be an element of surprise. That is, they would have to take you by surprise...you open the door and you have a gun to your head (or someone that you care about does)... you wouldn't be able to bring the gun into play.

In the case of robbery...if you're not immediatly involved (in the aisles), you might be able to intervene, but if you're close enough to the cash register to be held hostage during the robbery (there's a gun covering your general area), pulling a gun would be most likely a grave error (no pun intended).

Robbery/Mugging directed at yourself...too late, unless you saw it coming.

Rape-well...you're unlikely to ever witness a rape (they usually occue in well hidden areas like alleys when they occur from strangers) *most occur at home attacks from people you know* so, you are equally unlikely to be able to come to the rescue.

I'm trying to find situations where having a gun would allow you to bring it into play safely.

I'm curious as to where it is that you live where the amount of violence is so elevated that owning a gun is/has become a necessity.

Perhaps I do not understand the reasoning for gun ownership because of my current situation, being a Canadian and living in a large metropolitan area. Montreal is rather large...has diverse groups of people, neightborhoods etc... but I would not be amiss should I say that you can walk the streets and alleys of Montreal at 3am and are unlikely to ever get mugged. The odds of having a gun pulled on you are smaller than winning the lottery twice.

You've owned a gun for 7 years. several, in fact. You've never had to use it, yet you still insist on owning then and carrying them...just in case. I don't get that...7 years! How much longer do you plan on carrying a firearm without incident until you decide that it's an unnecesary expence/precaution?
I supposed this is where preception plays a big role.

You can make the argument that ive had a good run, should feel safe, and may have the perception of danger where there is none.

I could make the argument that youve been lucky, and may not feel the threat when there is one.

We could even look at various crime reports and argue that the danger isnt signicant....and then another could say.."yea but it only takes once".

Perhaps this is where my job as an RN came in.

I have never seen a trauma victim who "expected it". Not a murder victim, rape victim, stab victim, knife victim who "expected it". Ive never seen a cancer victim who "expected it". Iver never seen a...you get the point.

Likewise I have a friend who is a police officer. He would tell you that he never has seen a murder victim who "expected it". He has never seen a rape victim who "expected it". Never seen a burglary victim who "expected it". etc.

So you dont expect trouble...well let restate once again that this is a matter of personal choice.

Dont think I should expect anything? Well I respect that and I can see where your coming from.

However my PERSONAL experience with victims and things like this is no one "expects it". Everyone also says somthing like "there is no way I could have known"

So I have simply arrived at the obvious conclusions.

Feel safe? You shouldnt.
Think your invincible? You would be wrong.
Dont think it could ever happen to you? Fatal mistake.

The other points are well taken. As I have stated somewhere else.

There are basically 2 types of situations when it comes to weapons for self defense.
1) Those that saftey and outcome are not dependant upon your reaction (ie your screwed no matter what).


2) Those that are outcome dependant upon your reaction (situations that reactions and self-defense can make a huge difference.

I accept that for #1 there isnt much anyone can do. But I feel that Ive seen enough victims of violent crime that I want to take precautions for #2.

Perhaps my choice of career has colored my perceptions (IE. Ive seen way more than the average person). But you shouldnt hold that against me. No one holds it against the off duty officer....and he doesnt even have to spend weeks and weeks trying to help put the person back together like I did!!


I just read your other post and Id like to add that Im not that big, not that strong, not that good at hand to hand combat. If a big guy kicked in my door he would have a good chance at killing me and my whole family with only his bare hands.

So I have deadbolts on the doors and a security system. And I tell my wife NEVER to open the door with knowing who was there. And when I go to the door and dont know who it is..I have my glock in the back of my pants with my hand on it. (I was rushed at 4am when someone knocked on my door at a hotel. I ran them off by slamming the door near shut and brandishing my weapon but that was before I started carrying in 96)
If you want to know situations where guns have been brought into play "safley" and successfully.

Feel free to go to South Carolina Grassroots web site.

They have links to many such cases....from the associated press or other "non-biased" news sources.

They also have a bulletin board with some real life stories. (I want bother reciting any here).

Warning: A few (emphasis on few) are probably the type of nuts you accused me of...but I can tell you these types are the exception and not the rule.
AnomalousEntity said:
Warning: A few (emphasis on few) are probably the type of nuts you accused me of...but I can tell you these types are the exception and not the rule.

I never called you a nut, just...over eager, adn I took that back, when you explaned your views on hoping never to use it

a nut is someone who goes "let me open that beer for yah son"

chick chik


"mind the glass splinters"
Ha Ha.

Seems like I saw that on an S&L skit about a guy who used a gun from everthing from opening beer to turining ot the TV to puttin on his underware...you can guess the gags.
AnomalousEntity said:
Ha Ha.

Seems like I saw that on an S&L skit about a guy who used a gun from everthing from opening beer to turining ot the TV to puttin on his underware...you can guess the gags.

putting on his underwear???????

talk about a home vasectomy
Ye gods! Someone put a trigger-lock o the thread. Once again...SNL saves the day :)

Different strokes for different folx AE...no hard feelings?
AnomalousEntity said:
Ha Ha.

Seems like I saw that on an S&L skit about a guy who used a gun from everthing from opening beer to turining ot the TV to puttin on his underware...you can guess the gags.

simpsons did the same gag. showing guns aint toys