bleach said:Only bad men have guns!
Professur said:So every cop, security guard, and soldier is 'bad'?
Maybe we should give them bows and arrows?
Depends. Perhaps you should rephrase the question to "How many legally owned firearms were used in a crime?" Once you lay the question out in that manner, it takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it?bleach said:Just a quick many crimes involved the use of guns?
I'm a Brit you see.........lived in three different cities and have never been an eye witness to crime involiving guns, just like to know the statistics before I make my mind up
I get your point, but this is a small "town" of 156k citizens.Mirlyn said:I went to high school in a small town of just over 2,000. From what I've heard, everyone said the same thing before a kid walked in the school and shot four people, one fatally (the Principal). That was 1985. It was one of the first school shootings in the nation, and it horrified everyone. However, the event seems to be easily forgotten. I'm not saying that you're wrong. Simply put, just watch what you say.The phrase "famous last words" comes to mind. Just because it can't doesn't mean it won't.
Policing and crime
What's crime like in your area? (2002/2003 figures)
Colchester Borough Council /English average
Population 156,000 / 138,540
Households 63,700 / 57,610
Theft of a vehicle per 1,000 population 2.4 / 4.8
Burglaries per 1,000 population 4.7 / 6.7
AnomalousEntity said:Thats true Bish, perhaps he was insinuating that he wouldnt have ever gotten into the position in the first place had he been armed?
AnomalousEntity said:Nevertheless there are many work places where you can carry a firearm. Many people who have work environments where it is prohibited do it anyway (the rationale is they would rather be fired than shot).
AnomalousEntity said:Lastly, you make a good point. The chances of living through a point blank gun battle are only %50. However the chances of living through it if you are unarmed are less than %20.
AnomalousEntity said:I am more concerned with having it for cases where your not already under the gun. For example, spree killers when you are a witness or cold blooded murder when you are a witness. Also for situations where you would see a suspicous person approaching and you would have the ability to get your hand on it in prepardness...
AnomalousEntity said:Its not a gaurantee...but it puts the odds greater in your favor and the overall knowledge to criminals that they are likely to be shot on the spot for committing crime by armed citizens has to be a deterrent.
have a quote back for you on this idea:"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." -- Heinrich Himmler
"All military type firearms are to be handed in immediately ...The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every respectable German man the opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore anyone who does not belong to one of the above named organizations and who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon ... must be regarded as an enemy of the national government." -- SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz, March, 1933.
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing." -- Adolph Hitler, Edict of March 18, 1938Then please post only statistics that offer both points of view....and not ones wich are so blatantly biasedFeel free to introduce stastics of your own. Anomylous entity
MrBishop said:I doubt it. Read his reply to me.
Sorry...not in Canada. You'd have to be a cop or certain security companies (Brinks) to carry one at work. BTW...they wouldn't just get fired...they'd get arrested too!
If you're unarmed...there is no gunfight. You lift your hands up, give them what they ask for and the chances of survival are 99.99527%
It would also make criminals more likely to shoot you first and then rob know...just in case the clerk had a gun. witness something and become a vigilante. or...better yet, you shoot an innocent coming at you and looking mighty suspicious, but he is only trying to give you back your wallet that you forgot at the phone booth. (you) "Oh...he looked like he was going to hurt me" (cop) "Why?" (you) "Well...he's black and look how big he is!" (cop) "You're under arrest for the murder of a police officer"
Gonz said:Gun Control means hitting what you aim at.
So don't buy one.paul_valaru said:I hate guns.
I've fired them, hated it.
paul_valaru said:make ALL guns illegal, and give everyone knives, see how brave these criminals are when they have to see your face, the pain in your eyes.
and everyone has a fighting chance.
paul_valaru said:When I see "You can have my gun when you take it from my dead hands" I want to help arrange it.
paul said:then you argue that criminals will still have guns, while decent law abiding citizens can't protect themselves. that is what th police are for.
If a criminal is caught with a gun, make the punishment HARD, even his he never fired the thing, caught with a gun, 15 years.
Unfortunatly what happens a lot is the kid who finds the gun is looking down the barrel when he pulls the trigger by mistake, and wallpapers the room with his brains.
Or the person who took you gun hitting what he aimed at, which is an innocent family.
I know most smart gun owners lock up there guns, keep the ammo sepeate, trigger locks, etc.
But when it comes to firearms, i always look at the lowest common denominator, which is the idoiot you see in the news.
People want guns to protect themselves, for other people with guns, I say make guns illegal, period.
then you argue that criminals will still have guns, while decent law abiding citizens can't protect themselves. that is what th police are for.
If a criminal is caught with a gun, make the punishment HARD, even his he never fired the thing, caught with a gun, 15 years.
then prisons cost to much, well, amke them earn there keep, like the tent prison isn one of the states, cheapest, and most uncomfortable place to do time.
But we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment
It';s not cruel and unusual, it's jsut uncomfortable, and there is no law that says a prisoner has to be comfortable.