One more time...
In the US, you have a right to legally own a gun, provided you haven't done anything stupid in your past. It's in our Constitution, listed in the bill of rights. It means, simply, that owning a firearm is the same as being able to speak your mind (free speech), attend the church of your choice (freedom of religion), and print/broadcast the news (freedom of the press). How come free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press are all expressed as
individual freedoms, but, lately, whenever the right to bear arms comes up, you have to be in a modern definition of
militia? If what is being bandied about here is actually true, then doesn't that make all freedoms and rights listed in the constitution liable to change whenever someone is offended?
If you don't like guns, don't buy one...but don't complain if your neighbor has one. Your neighbor chose to exercise his right, and you didn't. Freedom of choice.
If you feel that the constitution is wrong, then, by all means, start another constitutional congress. If you can get 2/3 of the states in the US to agree on your views and principals, then you can make the rules. Until then, just deal with it, or move someplace else. That is your right, also.