ON guns. Intresting link/survey included


AnomalousEntity said:
Every 13 seconds an American gun owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal.
Criminal Attacks Stopped By Guns This Year: 1738464

Are you against or for?

Just a quick question..........how many crimes involved the use of guns?:)

I'm a Brit you see.........lived in three different cities and have never been an eye witness to crime involiving guns, just like to know the statistics before I make my mind up
Every 13 seconds an American gun owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal.
Criminal Attacks Stopped By Guns This Year: 1738464

What percentage of those gun owners were police officers?
I'm only for guns if they are used for defense and defense only. I'm against them if they are used for hunting or as any kind of weapon or use other than defense.
[only comment i'm making in this thread]waddever, Gonz :rolleyes:[/only comment i'm making in this thread]
q: how do you feel about firearms?

1. i love them, my best friend is an m-16 with ir sight and without it i feel naked and lost.

2. i like them a lot, i own 733 different types of firearm and its never been a problem for me.

3. i am charlton heston

4. i am charlton hestons well oiled m-16

5. i am a commie.
ris said:
q: how do you feel about firearms?

1. i love them, my best friend is an m-16 with ir sight and without it i feel naked and lost.

2. i like them a lot, i own 733 different types of firearm and its never been a problem for me.

3. i am charlton heston

4. i am charlton hestons well oiled m-16

5. i am a commie.

My answer would be...drum roll.... NUMBER 4!

Oooh, Moses....
OMG, what an interesting survey :rolleyes:

They have such a nice way to write the choices.
Would you buy a gun?
a. I'm a faggot
b. Yes.
Luis G said:
a. I'm a faggot
What the fuck has a northern english meatball got to do with guns?

Jokes aside, I have to admit that if I lived in a country where it is legal to own a handgun and there was as much violent crime going on, then I would be down the local gunclub and I would probably carry one on my person... although the first rule of self-defence is to avoid situations where you may get into trouble as much as possible and I would hope I would never have to use it... but if I did, my attacker wouldn't be getting up in a hurry.
Against. Guns don't kill people, but it makes the killing a whole lot easier.
I'm swedish, the only gun i've ever fired irl was a BB gun. We swedes are wusses.

5. i am a commie.
Got that right, Comrade! ;)
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I took a look at that survey, -- it's a classic example of how to phrase questions so you get the answers you want.
Have you ever seen one that wasn't? Most of them are somewhat more subtle than that one.