One more time


molṑn labé
Staff member
for those who can't get over it.

The draft, and the Vietnam conflict are over. Our brave & Honorable men & women are volunteers. Unlike the multi-self-inflicted-Purple Heart wearing wannabe.

Kerry speaks
Gonz said:
Howard Dean is the perfect DNC Chair for where the party has landed.


Yeh, I know, I always thought the "Oct. Surprise" would come out of Dean's maw. Yearghhh.

But it's only fitting sKerry takes the honors. Just couldn't hold it back---eh Mr. Badass---Mr. ChaChing--- thought you had it in the bag, didn't you???? Just had to push your luck aLittle further. Had the drapes all picked out, and KABOOM looks like they don't fit how you measured. Better luck next time. So long, farewell--- Regretfully they tell us--But firmly they compel us to say good bye to you---cuckoo! So long, farewell--Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight---I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. Tee hee :kiss:
Not only did he solidify the (R) base, he picked up the conservatives & even pissed off quiet a few (D)s.

Thank You (soon to be former) Senator Kerry.
He was talking about Bush having us stuck in Iraq. Nice try.

The R's are getting desperate for a morsel of anything. Meanwhile they can hardly go a day without a huge scandal :grinno:
Easy win with people like

Dems hold record 15-point edge over GOP

He was talking about Bush having us stuck in Iraq. Nice try.

The R's are getting desperate for a morsel of anything. Meanwhile they can hardly go a day without a huge scandal :grinno:

How does "We're here to talk about education. But I want to say something before that. You know, education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you -- you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." translate into 'talking about Bush?' That's just deflection.

What you saw from Hanoi John was a pattern of disrespecting and undermining US military that started at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.

Hear that noise?? It's the sound of the Dems distancing themselves from sKerry as we speak.
sheesh that kerry bloke can't even remember a simple line?
and he wants to be president or whatever?

mind you ... :grinyes:

what a dumbfuck, tho. :shrug:

:nerd: He was against the apology before he was for it, don'tcha know.....

One last flip-flop for the road:

I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform...

Mr. Kerry--- when is saying "I'm sorry that you misinterpreted the intent of my words" and not saying sorry for making those insulting remarks in the first place an apology?