Southern Discomfort
I think he was told his time was up because they didn't like what he was saying... and the police tried to remove him why? Who was he hurting... or disturbing... even Kerry can be heard saying it's ok!
With his speech, he was hurting no one. When he began resisting arrest and flailing about he endangered anyone within arm's reach.
Let's put the shoe on the other foot. What if he hadn't been restrained/removed/whatever? Who would have been next to try and top his antics? At what precise point does the potential for a full-scale riot become possible? Or probable? How far should one person be allowed to go in a situation already emotionally electric, as any political appearance has the potential for being? This wasn't Kent State part 2, thankfully. Who prevented it from becoming that though? That's right...the cops. Hundreds of people in attendance owe the fact that they were never in harm's way to the actions of a few policemen.
Maybe Kerry thought it was OK. Maybe he wanted to address this young man's questions. All well and good. But is he above making an error in judgment? Can any one of us comfortably say with any degree of certainty what might have happened had this student been allowed to continue? I certainly can't, and neither can John Kerry.
Kerry is compensated to speak, which he did. Cops are compensated to protect the public from even potentially dangerous behavior, which they did. Did they go too far? Did they act too soon? Those are debatable points. However, using nothing except your own words and the implied emotional reaction(s) behind them, it seems to me they acted properly. You weren't even there and already you A) are ready to jump on a cop (always a smart move); B) are defending the actions of a person guilty of the crime of resisting arrest if nothing else; C) are "fuming"; and D) have an entire hypothetical explanation as to why events you were not part of occurred. That tells me that this student needed to be removed. His resistance resulted in the use of escalated force in order to effect his removal and the protection of every other living being in that building. His actions dictated his own fate. They also apparently have sparked an equally violent (fuming?!) response in you.
Free speech...yes. At all costs. Using it to put me or anyone else in danger? No way. That's called abuse of rights. As a result his rights were restricted for a time. I say, justly so.
I still ain't read the different coverages, and I still refuse to supply a link to the news outlet of my choice, because it's none of anybody's damn business.