Interesting, I get accused of lighting fires, when it seems to me, Mark, that that is all you ever seem to do.
cf below. These nice fellows state it so nicely for me.
Feel free to make all the judgements you need to about me. I've already made mine about you, bub.
*tries to care
... fails
Hmm, my turn: see my avatar.
whiney taser boy said:What are you doing? Excuse me? Are you going to arrest me? I'm not doing anything wrong. Get off me. Help. Help. Help. Someone do something. Ow. Don't tase me, bro. Ow. Ow. Ow.
and smaller weeners.
Honestly, I think we need more people like that "whiney taser boy". Too many people roll over and let the government do what they want and ask no questions. He acted maybe a little too excited to be speaking, sure, but maybe it's because he knew that was his chance to inform people... because people need it.
If he knew what a taser looked like, then he knew what a taser did; he wanted the cops to zap him.
I say we all pretend to agree with marks, that'd shut him up
markjs said:Y'all will all assume what you will
I aint no sutherner...
You know Mark, it's just barely possible that that's what she was referring to in the first place, huh?