Only 3 doves

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molṑn labé
Staff member
The House voted 403-3 to reject a nonbinding resolution calling for an immediate troop withdrawal.

"We want to make sure that we support our troops that are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will not retreat," Speaker Dennis Hastert, R- Ill., said as the GOP leadership pushed the issue to a vote over the protest of Democrats.

Badly biased source
Oh hell, while we're at it...

WASHINGTON -- The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation.

"The Republicans are taking food out of the mouths of children to give tax cuts to America's wealthiest. This is not a statement of America's values," said the Democratic leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi...

The overall bill provided $140 billion for transportation, housing and other programs. It cleared the House on a vote of 392-31. Senate passage was by voice vote.

So, the Republicans are stealng from the mouths of babes says Nancy, right before her YEA! vote for more money. Hardly a surprise.

Washington Post
I notice you make no mention of the fact that the republicans themselves introduced that resolution for immediate troop withdrawal, knowing full well that almost no one would vote for it. Marketing ploy, plain and simple. I'm sure they appreciate you lapping it up like a good little sheep though. :rolleyes:
I know damned well it s marketing ploy. So is Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, et al.

Funny how they demand our withdrawl then don't vote for it.
Gonz said:
I know damned well it s marketing ploy. So is Kennedy, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, et al.

Funny how they demand our withdrawl then don't vote for it.

Yeah, that's it. :rofl:
The point was proven.
The Dems are lame.
And completely un-American, in this time of war.

Chorus: Sucks to be you , I know I know ,

Sucks to be you , I know it's true ,

Sucks to be you , I know I know ,

Sucks to be you ,
chcr said:
Biggest meaningless news story since the runaway bride.
I think it was 'supposed' to have some meaning, but... :confused:
I think it was originally supposed to build moral for the troops, but as
with all politics now days, it turned into a circus.
All of um talk out the side of their neck half the time at least.
All we had to do was send Zell on tour in Iraq. He'd build the moral. :swing:
as the American libs avoid this thread like the plague, I'd like to add a follow up, just to show that leftist policies are not the order of the day, no matter how much they beleive they are.

The congressman at the center of the battle last week over withdrawal of troops from Iraq removed the results from his own Internet poll on the subject after online voters overwhelmingly opposed his stance.

Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., posted the poll after he ignited a firestorm in the House that led to Republicans forcing a quick vote on the issue Friday.

While a revised poll page remains on the site, the link to it from his homepage has been removed, making the survey effectively invisible to the public.


results said:
Please indicate which of the following best summarizes your view on what the United States should do in Iraq:
  • A. We should immediately remove all troops. 1,562 votes, 12.3 percent
  • B. We should redeploy to the periphery of Iraq as soon as practical to protect troop safety and give the Iraqis incentive to take charge sooner, not later. 3,239 votes, 25.6 percent
  • C. We should maintain current troop levels until Iraq builds an army to defend and stabilize their country, even if that takes years. 6,726 votes, 53.1 percent
  • D. We should re-institute the national draft to increase troop levels to where we can seal the Iraqi borders and stop the passage of insurgents and insurgent-supply missions. 1,146 votes, 9 percent
  • E. None of the above. 3 votes, 0.0 percent

Wow...62% said STAY &/or draft :evilcool:
Jumping ship now is stupid, everyone with a brain knows that.

Republicans have been bitching about the Dems politicizing the war...What the hell is this? Disgusting.
Jumping ship is stupid. So why do the Dems keep bringing it up? The Republicans decided to call their bluff.
For the most part they aren't talking about an IMMEDIATE withdrawl. Some sort of timeline would be nice though. You know, exit strategy perhaps?
rrfield said:
For the most part they aren't talking about an IMMEDIATE withdrawl. Some sort of timeline would be nice though. You know, exit strategy perhaps?

If you give your enemy a timeline, you give your enemy victory.
Vietnam - We left before the job was finished.

Somalia - We left before th ejob was finished.

Iraq - We're staying until a (D) gets in office or the job is finished. Otherwise, the USA may as well stay home (and yes, that includes UN crap)
Gonz said:
Iraq - We're staying until a (D) gets in office or the job is finished. Otherwise, the USA may as well stay home (and yes, that includes UN crap)
How much would you care to wager on that statement. Decision's already been made.
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