

It is a conspiracy. They saw 2010 and they fear 2012. They cant attack the politicians because that would come back on the ideologies they support, so they isolate and attack Wall Street, capitalism. It's a ruse, a last gasp.

Not having an agenda, not having leaders is a lie. They want to provoke the police for propaganda footage. Again, the goal is to emotionally attach people to the 'beautiful movement', once you have established that attachment, the truth matters less. People will protect their emotional attachment, they will resist the truth.

Have you ever hear of Yuri Bezmenov?

you vastly overestimate the effectiveness of various social-symbolic schemes. most of them are barely removed from "the detective that hangs around in public restrooms trying to bust queers."

emotional attachment huh? right. those kids are figuring out how to emotionally attach, wait, WHO to their ridiculous and fractional agenda?

you're getting to be as bad as gotholic. you can see through their smoke screen! you are an agent! YEAH!!!!

manipulation. noam chomsky was right! it's all about manipulation of the mass media! people are too fucking dumb to reject the ideas of this bunch of half-wits! we must save them from themselves, from cartoonish manipulation!

please. even joe the plumber understands that this is just a bunch of slacker weenies blowing off steam in a stupid way. you're elevating them. nice work, chum...


The bolded ones have nothing to do with wallstreet, except baby that last one, and it does give rise to the theory that this is union backed.

mostly these demands give rise to the idea that these fuckwits have never had to make a real living and have skated along as marginal slackers with no responsibility toward anyone else. in other words, they are children.


molṑn labé
Staff member
gonz i don't understand this "useful idiot" thing.

Take 20 powerbrokers & have them bitch about the man. Nobody cares.

Have those 20 buy, cajole & incite 500 into sitting around & stinking
up the joint. Suddenly, there's a movement. The 20 got what they
wanted & the 500 got free pot, pizza & a get out of class free card,
while showing their mug on TV.

Useful idiots. (the USSR collapsed so they need somethign to do)


obama got a lot of donations from smallholders in getting elected. these are the disgruntled fringe idiots that are disenchanted with the mainstream system they momentarily bought into when they mailed their check to that nincompoop.

raging against wall street? really? obama is wall street. you know the relationships there.

it's nothing more than the death throes of riff-raff.


molṑn labé
Staff member
This isn't about Obama, it's about creating chaos & damaging the system. The idiots don't know that though, They just want pizza & pot


Well-Known Member
Minx, I'll agree they don't fully understand the dynamics, what they are doing, but I'm spot on. I've been watching this develop since last spring <del>



This isn't about Obama, it's about creating chaos & damaging the system. The idiots don't know that though, They just want pizza & pot

i don't believe any claim was made as to discontent with obama not paving the streets with gold being the sole issue that made these twits upset.

think of obama as a walking metaphor for "everything is gonna be easy." these fuckwits have been getting that message one way or another since they was hatched when the gipper was in office. of course their pussy parents never instilled any sense of self-discipline or effort in 'em. now they are economically marginalized. and they wanna whine about it.

okay RM, i'm sure you understand the deep connections here with the trotskyist syndicate of ceylon, and how they are all behind this. you know if you actually posted some details of this year-long investigation, well, at least i'd read 'em...


Well-Known Member
I tell ya....
if these folks were simple railing against the bailouts, and saying the big dogs at the top,
that left the companies in ruin while taking giant exit packages, should
be prosecuted, and the bailout moneys put back,
I'd be with um, but....
They've gone all entitlement happy, and now the unions coming in, so
it really makes them suspect.


they want everything under the sun for free.

they sound like a bunch of morons to any reasonable person.

and they are the product of some sort of behind the scenes agent? (this is directed at RM.)

hmmm. what then is the message? the big take-away?

is this secret agent really from the far right? has s/he has brilliantly arranged for these turds simply to let their stupidity bloom in public, and in turn make the rest of us even more dismissive of the agenda of the fringe left...?

what is actually interesting is "wall street" as... um, multi-headed.
you got these twits all pissy about wall street.
you got the tea party saying blame washington not wall street, yet there are strong tea party themes that seem to view wall street as some kind of elitist scam to bilk money out of "real americans"
still republicans are very much tied into wall street/banking
and then we got the fringies on both sides whining about obama's wall street buddies


and there you have it. at this point, any critique of wall street is mired in absurdity. that is the function of all this nonsense.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Mr Soros is involved...

yet there are strong tea party themes that seem to view wall street as some kind of elitist scam to bilk money out of "real americans



Well-Known Member
from what I've seen, there absolutely no comparison, connection, or
even resemblance/theme to the 'TEA party'
Oh, of coarse than that people are gathering.:retard5:


Well-Known Member
yes, there are tea partiers that have a rather anti-wall street bent. ever heard of that TARP thing?
Yup. TARP was, in part, where the Tea Party began, we hold those who are responsible accountable, the government. These faggots hold the rich responsible because they can't stand against their own.

You cannot see how this is an attempt to siphon off and redirect that grassroots & thunder to the far left? There is nothing new here, just hard to swallow spin. Your blind because you choose to be.

I was a key player in the very successful event that this one is modeled after, I've been watching this from the inside for months. I've watched as websites and forums were created, I know many of the players, I know their politics, I know how they are doing it. -- The suppression of information and truth has made *some people rather upset.


This operation is pure astroturff, social engineering ...or as we call a 'personal army'.


but how would soros - if that is our secret agent - get anything out of the fringe left looking so incredibly stupid? like a bunch of whining twits.

effectively this is nothing other than a complete indictment of the folks you seem to think it supports...

please explain your logic. and pm me some details. this is interesting, regardless of viewpoint.


molṑn labé
Staff member
yes, there are tea partiers that have a rather anti-wall street bent. ever heard of that TARP thing?

TARP? Hmm, oh, you mean when the government stuck it's fingers where
they don't belong? Hardly anti-wall st.


right.... there's no social commentary of differance in there.joe the plumber and george soros are really the same guy right?


Well-Known Member
the difference is between (public, and private)
your reference is (private, and private)

Public moneys should not be Given to private companies, and we knew
to start with that much of those moneys would never be recovered with TARP.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Joe the plumber & GM (or George Soros) are the same guy, in this aspect. If Joe
goes bankrupt, shit happens. If GM goes bankrupt, shit happens. Both hurt
the economy. Neither are entitled to fedeal funds taken from other taxpayers.
My crappy welfare queens are entitled either. That is the fundamental aspect of
your prized marxism. Share the wealth. From those that can, etc

I've yet to hear a TEA party participant say Wall St is too big.
That BofA is too big. That Dodge deserved the money. That we
need to give welfare to individuals or monoliths. Most support the
FAIR tax over what we have now. They don't want the crap that
currently exists.