Osama Bin Laden Featured in GOP TV Ad


New Member
Good, keep reminding the people what is at stake. If we back out then it will give the terrorists a chance to regroup...

The Republican Party will begin airing a hard-hitting ad this weekend that warns of more cataclysmic terror attacks against the U.S. homeland.

The ad portrays Osama bin Laden and quotes his threats against America dating to February 1998. "These are the stakes," the ad concludes. "Vote November 7."

Brian Jones, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said the ad would run on national cable beginning Sunday, but he declined to discuss specifics of the buy.

The commercial tracks with Republican Party strategy to make the war on terrorism a central theme of this election. It will air as recent polls show Republicans losing ground as the party best able to combat terrorism.
So...they're basically saying that the Democrats can't handle the 'War of terrorism' - so forget about our miserable economy, social security, education etc...and concentrate on making more war? :eek3:

It's hard to concentrate on what's going on overseas when you're on the unemployment line or facing poverty or age 70 retirement.
In case you haven't noticed, even the government says the terrorists are getting stronger, not weaker.
Unemployment and poverty @ 70 is a personal responsibility issue... unless derailed from either mental defect or permanent disability. Outside of that, its not up to the government to supply you with a job nor tuck you in at night.
You have not seen the dow the past week have you?
If the economy is in the shitter like you say then the dow jones would not be at it's current high..


Unemployment is another record, 4.6%..


Take a look at the numbers before saying how bad everything is.

It's hard to concentrate on what's going on overseas when you're on the unemployment line.

Are you working? Or are you unemployed? If you are not working how have you able to afford a computor?
Well, I'm working but I don't have a computor. Got a couple of computers though.
What realy irratates me is when somebody starts sniveling about how bad it is but won't look outside long enought to see if the sun is out...
Unemployment and poverty @ 70 is a personal responsibility issue... unless derailed from either mental defect or permanent disability. Outside of that, its not up to the government to supply you with a job nor tuck you in at night.

Thank you.

I'm far from a Bushbot, but I do know that the thought of Hillary Klinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, or Howard Dean negotiating anything more important than a lunch menu with a foreign leader terrifies me to the core of my being.
Kerry cannot negotiate himself through a bowl of noodle soup...Billery? she is too self absorbed to be usefull...
Thank you.

I'm far from a Bushbot, but I do know that the thought of Hillary Klinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, or Howard Dean negotiating anything more important than a lunch menu with a foreign leader terrifies me to the core of my being.

Yet a retard dealing with foreign leaders fills you confidence. Strange how that works.
Take a look at the numbers before saying how bad everything is.

Are you working? Or are you unemployed? If you are not working how have you able to afford a computor?

The Dow is not even up to what it was 5 years ago... it's a psychological high and unlikely to last long. Hell, the 12k+ jump-up didn't even stay there for a full day.

The numbers aren't quite as rosy as they appear...especially when balanced against overall debt.

Your Unemployment ratee isn't a record...no matter what you might read about ... it's barely recovering to pre-911 rates and certainly doesn't come close to the 3.6's 3.8's etc from 1999 and thereabouts.


Your Dow is finally recovering since Q4 1999's high.

Thing is...Bush is a 'wartime' president. Good at waging war, but not all that hot when it comes to economy and social issues. As the war falls off the headlines, voters are looking at his 'non-war' issues and he's losing support.

Time to bring out the big enemies and drag out the colors again, beat the war drums. Anything to stop voters from looking at the big picture. Vote Republican...we've got the best enemies! :rolleyes:
The Dow is not even up to what it was 5 years ago... it's a psychological high and unlikely to last long. Hell, the 12k+ jump-up didn't even stay there for a full day.

The numbers aren't quite as rosy as they appear...especially when balanced against overall debt.

Your Unemployment ratee isn't a record...no matter what you might read about ... it's barely recovering to pre-911 rates and certainly doesn't come close to the 3.6's 3.8's etc from 1999 and thereabouts.


Your Dow is finally recovering since Q4 1999's high.

Thing is...Bush is a 'wartime' president. Good at waging war, but not all that hot when it comes to economy and social issues. As the war falls off the headlines, voters are looking at his 'non-war' issues and he's losing support.

Time to bring out the big enemies and drag out the colors again, beat the war drums. Anything to stop voters from looking at the big picture. Vote Republican...we've got the best enemies! :rolleyes:

Since what you are saying is you and your that there is no point in discussing it. So stay in your little cubby hole ringing your hands over somebody elses problems instead of addressing your own because what ever facts are brought up will not efect your opinion..Any disussion from you is nothing more the circuliar seing how closed minded the attitute can be...
The Dow is not even up to what it was 5 years ago... it's a psychological high and unlikely to last long. Hell, the 12k+ jump-up didn't even stay there for a full day.

Umm, it might behoove you to check your facts...
1. The Dow was never up to 12,000 five years ago... or ever.
2. Analysts feel that this high of 12,000 is more solid than the highs reached in the dot.com boom, because it's a lot less speculative.
3. 12002.37 close today... that's two days in a row over 12,000, even though Caterpillar, one of the stocks on the DJIA, dropped $10.02 on a weak earnings report.
Time to bring out the big enemies and drag out the colors again, beat the war drums. Anything to stop voters from looking at the big picture. Vote Republican...we've got the best enemies! :rolleyes:

Allow me to take this opportunity to remind you, as I have reminded others before you, that as a Canadian, you cannot vote in our elections. Hence, your opinions of either party don't really matter all that much. I have yet to voice opinion one on who a Canadian should vote for, and would appreciate the same courtesy in kind. Criticize our leader if you must, but the election process is NOYB.

Carry on.
Well, he has to attack your politics. After all, the Tories here haven't screwed the pooch yet, dispite all the moaning and bitching done prior to their election.
Allow me to take this opportunity to remind you, as I have reminded others before you, that as a Canadian, you cannot vote in our elections. Hence, your opinions of either party don't really matter all that much. I have yet to voice opinion one on who a Canadian should vote for, and would appreciate the same courtesy in kind. Criticize our leader if you must, but the election process is NOYB.

Carry on.

I noticed you had an opinion on what the bus driver in the other thread should do even thoough you cannot drive for that bus company.

Bishop can discuss whatever he wants to.
Criticize our leader if you must, but the election process is NOYB.

Carry on.
Who's attacking the process? I'm attacking the party's platform. If I wanted to attack the process, I'd be talking about democracy as 1 person=1 vote instead of some people's votes counting for more or less than 1 vote depending on which state they happen to live in. :shrug:

** As for a non-American discussing American politics...I know that I cannot vote in your elections. I'm not even trying to sway people into voting for or against a party in particular.. I know that people are pretty much immoveable as to which party they'll vote for.

I can talk about politicking.