

Staff member
Is such a royal pain in the ass!!!

I move tomorrow (well, today technically) and I'm at the "packing all the little things" stage and it's irking being almost 5am may be a contributing factor too. Maybe this all nighter will help get my sleep schedule back on track though.
as a rule, people tend to overpack stuff. Too much packing will break stuff faster than no packing at all.
Professur said:
as a rule, people tend to overpack stuff. Too much packing will break stuff faster than no packing at all.

Nah this isn't breakable...just little nic-nac-y things...

Well, I still have to break my dishes but I plan to use towels to seperate them and that is all
Professur said:
Then you're all set. Just don't use too much packing.

Nope, gonna put a bathtowel in the box, put down a layer of dishes, fold it over, put down another layer...until I run out of towel and then I'll start with another.
Lou, some mornings I wake up Grumpy. Today, I let her sleep.

Nix, once again, it's not my fault if you don't ask early enough. If you're not in a position to accept my advise, don't ask for it in two seperate threads.
Professur said:
Lou, some mornings I wake up Grumpy. Today, I let her sleep.

Nix, once again, it's not my fault if you don't ask early enough. If you're not in a position to accept my advise, don't ask for it in two seperate threads.

Have you already been asleep and woken up?!
Professur said:
Yeah, why? I got in a good 5 hours. Nix, have you looked at a clock recently? It's twenty to six.

You've been here since 4:30 :p

If you just came now I wouldn't be surprised.
Lou, I usually take 4. If I try to sleep for more than 5 hours, I enter a second sleep cycle and that fucks me up for the rest of the week.
If i sleep less than 8 or 7 it alters my cycle and it fucks me up for 3 to 4 days.
Same thing. It's all what you've trained your body to do. Mine's a relic from a long, hard youth, reinforced by 7 years of working the graveyard shift.
Professur said:
Same thing. It's all what you've trained your body to do. Mine's a relic from a long, hard youth, reinforced by 7 years of working the graveyard shift.

My body likes 9 hours, it usually gets between 7 and 8...
back in the day, for one semester, I worked 3rd shift two nights a week, first shift 1 day and 2nd shift twice a week, plus carrying a 15 credit hour load. I dont think I slept all semester. If I remember right, and I probably dont, I pulled a 3.4.
Well, my room is getting pretty bare now...other than my phone, a few little things like my keys and a couple hair clips and my glass of juice the only thing on my desk is my bed it stripped down, the closet is empty, the book case is empty...I'll miss this's seen me through a lot of good and bad times.