
What's wrong with putting the stuff is his closet? He taking up precious shoe space atm!!!

Actually, my closet is bigger and has a little window nook alcove....besides, his closet is 1/2 full of ebay stuff.
Using Marlowe's closet wasn't a big deal because we put all the girls clothes in Malory's closet except for the off season clothes which are squeezed in with the antique chairs and train sets.
Well folks, I move out of my apartment on family is showing up at 8am with a van and a truck to help me move...I have 3.5 boxes packed to date...stay tuned tomorrow night for more lack of sleep induced one liners such as the one Les is laughing at above :D
It's kinda late and I'm kinda tired... trying to figure out a way to tell you not to forget to pack your fudge... but I don't even know if you've done any baking lately.
hmmmm it's great, the people are much more polite than Toronto, conveniences of big city with a small town feel, I love the people I work with (all of them), the office is great, the work is great, I am third in the pecking order (and the guy who's first runs the office so he doesn't even work on projects) so I pretty much get the pick of the liter for the projects I wanna work on (guy who's second is a project manager so he manages them and I do site work and such for them), there are mountains, the air is cleaner, I am sleeping better.

Bad, I miss my family and friends.