Paper or plastic?

Money counteracts the effect of pollution? Hot damn!!!

Stopping things with as little mass as plactic bags have virtually no effect on landfills. Don't you remember? PLastic bags stops the rainforst from getting chopped down.

There are programs out there to reclaim dumps - piecemeal. Separating them out into metals, glass, plastics, paper etc...much of which would be recyclable if actually sent elsewhere other than the dump.

As for the mass - the mass times the sheer number of bags consumed per day is what counts. It's also a start..kinda like using the new bulbs instead of the old type.
I always ask for paper when there is a choice because there is a paper mill in Panama City, and kraft paper production and timber farming are a large part of the local economy. Some places don't offer a choice, but I reuse those bags.

I say ban the petroleum based bags and charge a premium or deposit for the biodegradable ones with proceeds going to a fund to counteract their effect.
Good idea.
Interesting...ignorant, but interesting...;)

Perhaps you would like to explain why homosexuality has been brought up in a debate regarding the use of plastic bags and their removal becoming mandatory?

It removes from the argument, creates a new emotionally-charged target and opens as flame-baiting. It's a straw man. :shrug:
Perhaps you would like to explain why homosexuality has been brought up in a debate regarding the use of plastic bags and their removal becoming mandatory?

Interesting that you quote Gonz without doing the same for spike.

Bish said:
It removes from the argument, creates a new emotionally-charged target and opens as flame-baiting. It's a straw man. :shrug:

Can't play favorites here. Thats a strawman as well...

Anyway...In Europe, which is what seems to be the model for all things left, you bring your own bags to the store. While it may seem to be a really nice idea, it only works if you shop for two days max. Think about many people in the US and/or Canada shop for such a limited amount of time? Don't just think of yourself...think of your entire population. How many people do you know that do such a limited purchase? How many live within walking distance of a market? Remember...we pushed our shopping districts out of our living districts...

Now...I choose paper for its recyclable characteristics. Keep in mind that paper sacks are created from scrap lumber as well, and not freshly-cut timber.
Anyway...In Europe, which is what seems to be the model for all things left, you bring your own bags to the store. While it may seem to be a really nice idea, it only works if you shop for two days max. Think about many people in the US and/or Canada shop for such a limited amount of time? Don't just think of yourself...think of your entire population. How many people do you know that do such a limited purchase? How many live within walking distance of a market? Remember...we pushed our shopping districts out of our living districts...
I don't understand where you get this amount. Granted, cloth or jute bags are relatively heavier than plastic, but not that much heavier - not so much so that it would limit your shopping to only two day's worth of food. Please elaborate.
Interesting that you quote Gonz without doing the same for spike.

Can't play favorites here. Thats a strawman as well...

Honestly - I didn't see it, though you are correct. Spike was also trying to either bait Gonz or derail the argument. Mind weren't exactly helping at that point either, eh
The Lone Cat said:
Funny how when blue states do it its "for your own good", but when red states do it its "trampling on our civil liberties"
Honestly - I didn't see it, though you are correct. Spike was also trying to either bait Gonz or derail the argument. Mind weren't exactly helping at that point either, eh

How was what I said out of the argument? I mentioned a surcharge for the bags and let it go as part of paying for their cleanup. You still have your choice, but one choice would cost you a bit more for cleanup. My statement still stands on its own merit.
How was what I said out of the argument? I mentioned a surcharge for the bags and let it go as part of paying for their cleanup. You still have your choice, but one choice would cost you a bit more for cleanup. My statement still stands on its own merit.

So, what's with the bit about the red vs blue states, if not a bait?
Choice. No charge. No sway. You make yours, I'll make mine. Let the market decide.
Many cities in Alaska have had bans on plastic bans for awhile now. Interestingly Alaska is a Red State.

It's not about red/blue, it's a about giving a crap about taking care of where you live.
I try my damndest to take care of where I live, but these damn yankees keep moving in. Law says I can't shoot em...I checked. Or at least I can't tell nobody if I do shoot em.

Maybe if I put em in plastic bags...
I try my damndest to take care of where I live, but these damn yankees keep moving in. Law says I can't shoot em...I checked. Or at least I can't tell nobody if I do shoot em.

Maybe if I put em in plastic bags...
Ask another lawyer - maybe you can go on a temporary insanity shooting spree. ;)