Parent objects to cookie punishment

"Eating a cookie, I don't think anybody hardly thinks of as theft," she said recently. "Before they're suspended and disciplined with the hardest discipline, they need to have an understanding of why that's theft."

Maitland said eating a cookie and taking someone's laptop computer should not warrant the same punishment. She would have preferred her son be assigned community service or given a lesson on how eating food can be interpreted as stealing.

WTF??? Hey Bitch, you're the fucking parent. It's your job to teach him what stealing is, not the school's. He damn well knew it wasn't his, and he stole it. Throw the fucking book at the pair of them; him for theft, her for stupidity.

Fucking twat.
Professur said:
WTF??? Hey Bitch, you're the fucking parent. It's your job to teach him what stealing is, not the school's. He damn well knew it wasn't his, and he stole it. Throw the fucking book at the pair of them; him for theft, her for stupidity.

Fucking twat.

She is the product of the public schools, so are the imbiciles that are enforcing the rules...
While no fan of "zero -tolerance" policies and their potential for idiocy, I'm with Prof. If your kid hasn't figured out that theft has consequences by MIDDLE SCHOOL, you have fucked up hard as a parent. Better Jeremy learns the lesson while it's just the team and not his damned job and freedom.

Had this been my kid, what he got at school would've paled in comparison to what he got at home.
Maitland said eating a cookie and taking someone's laptop computer should not warrant the same punishment.

So, where exactly does that line get drawn?
Gonz said:
So, where exactly does that line get drawn?

At the point of common sense.

Let one of you guys get a kid suspended from school for a $.04 cookie and I bet the howling commences.
The point is does the punishment fit the crime? Would the death penalty be justified for speeding or parking in a no parking zone?
highwayman said:
The point is does the punishment fit the crime? Would the death penalty be justified for speeding or parking in a no parking zone?

You really don't want to hear from me on that. I'm one of those nuts that thinks that a rule is a rule. If you don't like it, go lobby it, debate it, and make your opinions heard. But break it, and you're a criminal. End of discussion.

suspended one day for stealing ... sufficient punishment? Yes.
Banned from the school team? Teams are a privledge, not a necessity for his education. so I agree there too. Just like a failing student (gee, where would you find one of those in a school today) doesn't get on a team either.
SouthernN'Proud said:
At the point of common sense.

Let one of you guys get a kid suspended from school for a $.04 cookie and I bet the howling commences.

So, again,
where exactly does that line get drawn?

It's only a gram.

It's just a joint.

It was only a ni*&er.

She deserved it.

Yes, I agree that the crime, in this case, shouln't even be considered minor...however, a lesson learned keeps them out of your office.
Maitland, who said her son has been in trouble at school before, appealed the suspension and was granted a hearing for today -- two weeks after he was held out of school. Maitland said at least one other student was suspended as a result of the incident.

Superintendent Fred Morton IV said he could not discuss specifics but said he reviewed the case's circumstances and found the school's decision reasonable."We are not going to suspend a kid for eating a cookie," he said.

It obviously wasn't about the just the cookie was it.
Gonz said:
So, again,

It's only a gram.

It's just a joint.

It was only a ni*&er.

She deserved it.

Yes, I agree that the crime, in this case, shouln't even be considered minor...however, a lesson learned keeps them out of your office.

Only if they're made to accept responsability. When your parents complain about how the punishment is too harsh (in front of the kid) what does he learn?

Reason one why I've never liked parole.
OK, I get it.

Throw the kid under a bus for eating a cookie, but let that pervert go free because it wasn't really a kid he was talking to online, even if he believed it was a kid. It'd be a deterrent for the kid, but the perv was ambushed and entrapped. We cannot have any tolerence for a kid eating a cookie obtained without permission, but the grown man actively soliciting kids for sex is tolerable.

Thank God none of y'all are judges.

*SnP washes his hands*
Yup, I can. Which is why I question your post. I already pointed out that stealing "anything" warrants punishment. Removal from the school team? Privledge.

Care to debate either of those points?