Pave France.... the British needs more parking.

But you're asking for an electrician to fix the plumbing. Clinton never flaunted military force as the cureall for things. Bush does. But he didn't go fight when it was his turn. Kinda strange, huh?

Clinton was a bombing fool. He loved the military force. He directly ordered bombings or military action in at least 8 countries.

Lemme think: off hand, Somalia, Haiti, Iraq, Kosovo, Yemen, Afghanistan...seems ther were a couple more.
First you right wingers say he did nothing against the terrorists, then you say he was a war monger, and if it looks like he might have done something right, you say "but he got a blowjob"....You just can't stand that he did such a fantastic job with the country and your boy has us circling the toilet already... :D
When handed a chance to try bin Laden, he said "for what?"

I never had a problem with Slick Willie until he lied to the public, directly. He's been covering is ass ever since. Trying to re-write history. The Dayton talks were a stroke of genius. Almost had peace. Some terrorists realized they couldn't stand that. The economy was luck of the draw. War monger, no. But he had a penchant for using force & where were these protesters then? If one hates war, isn't ALL war bad? Or just Republican wars?

Bush is just another in a line of overindulged rich kids to make it to the White House. Wasn't JFK the last actual combat veteran? Dubya served, somewhere, which is more then Willie did. He got handed as much shit as Clinton got gold. 09/11 happened at a critical juncture. Economy was slowing down, rapidly. Now, we, teh American people have to decide-are we gonna allow more strikes like this or is it time to clean house? That sometimes means taking care of old business.(Iraq & NK). George is a dweeb, But he's the head dweeb & has information we're not seeing. In teh event we go into Iraq & there's nothing there, you can bet your ass he's yesterdays news.
Hes yesterdays news already by my assessment. There is an enormous difference between a military strike and war. And wasn't it you that quoted Clinton saying Bin Ladin was the world's most dangerous person?

I don't defend Clinton in his entirety. Or any politician, for that matter. I do know I had more confidence in him than I have in W. :shrug:
Since I wasn't around this is speculative but it seems the last trustworthy pol was Truman.
OK Jerek, at the highly enlightened age of 20, please, guve us your take
He does his reading in the right wing of the young republican library and you solicit his opinion? :confuse3: