Pave France.... the British needs more parking.

Defending any large organized man made group is a mistake. I condider myself on many levels a fundamentalist christian(although some may disagree) and i will support no organization as they are all man made. Regardless of any beliefs any organization may begin with, man can & will twist and skew its principles. It's a mistake to support any group on such a large level especially when it's on an international level. Support your local group, defend your local people, this is the only way to ensure that we know for sure what it is that we are defending. From my experience it is foolishness to support anything beyond our personal knowledge.
I'll say it once, and once only. Don't mess around with masons. They're everywhere. They're powerful. And they have an entire secret society that most people have no idea about. Not even many members. Messing with a mason can suddenly cause you to be the subject of audits, reviews, even having your car towed and litterally followed and ticketed on a daily basis.

It's a brotherhood in the strongest sense. They're bound by religion, loyalty, and silence. You'll never know you've met one, unless you are one. And if you are one, you'll seldom admit it.