Clinton was a son of a bitch and Gore is worse.
Since the civil war the Democrats have done nothing but cause decent and controversy. Many opposed abolishing slavery while republicans supported it obviously with Honest Abe.
FDR gave away East Germany and North Korea to Russia only to cause alot of problems from it. My wife is from S. Korea and what I have read and what she has said seems to estimate about 2-4 million koreans died during the Korean Conflict.
Carter looked the other way and allowed the slaughter of 3,000 innocent people in Korea in coup of that country in 1980 while our service men were stationed there and he did nothing about it.
Nice folks these democrats. Funny thing is they used to resist a large government but now they seem to want to give away the USA to the UN/EU. Kyoto treaty was only one example. They seem to think we should take orders from the UN now? I don't think so you bloody wankers in Europe.
Democrat goodies.
-While there was slavery in the United States, two groups had formed: pro-slavery and anti-slavery.
-The Republican Party- 1854, a group of Free soldiers, Northern Democrats, and anti-slavery Whigs met in Michigan and formed this party.
-Democrats were pro-slavery and wanted it throughout the US.
The Republicans wanted to keep slavery out of the Western territories. Abolitionists supported the Republican party, but they still were a minority. Republicans did not expect to end slavery in the South.
1856- Republican party chose John Charles Fremont as their candidate for president. He had never held office but he opposed the act of slavery.
Democratic party- Democrats chose James Buchanan as their candidate, he was a senator and a Secretary of state. People saw him as "Northern man with Southern Principles."
The election-
Buchanan won, the candidate for the Democrats. But the voting results alarmed the South. The Republican party had done really well. The Republican candidate John Charles Fremont, nearly won the election without hardly any votes from the Southern States. The South knew there influence was fading fast.
Africans were preferred over Indians as slaves. The stupid Colonists thought that the Africans didn't get as sick as the Indians therefore less would die. Come to find out, that the Africans got the same illnesses that the Indians did and died just as much.
Nice folk, buncha redneck wormy bastards.
Now what? Most of the african american population votes democrat.
What kind of horse shit deal is that?
Presently the democratic party is generally anti-christian, pro-gay/homosexual, support abortion, anti-death penalty, and all around anti-american. They try to persuade the minority groups that they are on their side.
Instead of spending money on National Security they would rather spend it on funding over seas abortions.
What about womens sufferage?
When Congress began to consider an amendment to the United States Constitution in 1918 to grant the vote to women, many women in North Carolina wrote to their state's representatives urging them to support it. However, only one congressman from North Carolina endorsed the proposed amendment. At home, those who supported universal suffrage tried to have both political parties include a plank to the effect in their platforms. The Republicans complied without opposition,but the Democrats declined to do so, maintaining that the issue was too divisive for the party to take a stand. Not surprisingly, in view of the Democrats' attitude, an attempt to obtain municipal suffrage for women failed in 1919. Three months after the General Assembly adjourned, however, the Congress submitted the text of a proposed amendment providing for women's suffrage.
No go there also. Nice folk this Democratic party is! Do they really deserve the title Democratic?
More and more they are starting to look more like this party which is probably why the French are being such shitasses towards the Republican party.
So from 1850 to 1950 a large amount of democrats still resisted women and african americans rights.