pearls of wisdom...

You can lead a horse to water, but kicking him probably won't make him thirsty.
Heard this exchange once:

Person 1: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

Person 2: "Yeah, we can make him drink! I'll hold his head in the water, and you suck on his ass."
freako104 said:
there is no Hell for the sinner no heaven for the Pure the only time is the HERE AND NOW(anton LeVey and my apologies if this offended anyone)

i got that book... was far less controversial than i thought it would be
He's that Satanist isn't he?

I gotta about as much use for them as I do Baptists...:rolleyes:

(qua Baptists, Jerrek-- no offense intended)
You got a problem with us Southern Baptists? Why we're just gonna have to go get drunk and kick your ass.

Oh wait, that's right I'm catholic. Lets go get drunk and kick some ass. ;)

I'll bring that up next time I see the Good Reverend down and Mo and Waldos. ;)
My Reverend, Jim Baker, says lots of things are really OK even though the Good Book says they're not...