Petition for another layer to the chain of command

Weasel guarding the henhouse is a:

met·a·phor ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mt-fôr, -fr)
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare).
One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol: “Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated metaphor for the crass, the materialistic, the shallow, and the craven” (Neal Gabler).

Tis merely a way of saying that a problem should not be utilized as a buffer against such problems.

Also, it was said as a general outward statement of all mankind. It wasn't directed at you.
:shrug: I'm not mad. I'm not picking on him out of the blue. The topic at hand is 'supermod'. Justin and Puter already said that it had been done and failed. A quick search of the memory banks shows that the only supermods we had we SB and S4. Apparently there is a great deal of aprehension and fallout surrounding the way the jobs were designated or handled. It may or may not have been any reflection of their quality as people, managerial skills, neutrality, convictions ... any number of things. In any case, their respective tenures within the positions managed to rub the cat fur backwards (another metaphor) on a great many people. It led to not merely their replacement... but the disolvement of the office itself. To me, that speaks volumes... of all of us.

Bubba, I apologize if it came over as a gut stab. It was not meant as such.
I agree with Unc, that's the problem, Justin said it up there too, the history of SuperMods in this place has been, well, poor. I noticed Bubba didn't take much offence to my spacktard comment, as he shouldn't have, it wasn't directed at him. What I meant to imply by saying that is that the current mods don't seem prone to the overuse and abuse of the power that the past SM's have done. I think any one of the current mods could do the job well, and I think that they would handle the power it involves.
It is interesting because people said to me when I came back that I would start old issues going again. I didn't start this thread. Luis even asked me to leave when I came back because he said I would only start the same things over. The first thing he did was edit me out and say "I don't give a damn what you have to say".

When I was a supermod I only locked one thread. It was the boob thread. I did not abuse the mod power. I was a mod at xibase before that. I did not abuse that power either. Get this straight. I am no longer a mod because I wanted to lock the boob thread and nobody else did. That is why.

SBCanada was the one locking everything in sight. Don't confuse what he did with what I did.

I was thinking this morning that I should forget to come back. It's true I made some nasty comments in the past, but I always as a moderator let people say what they wanted. The only exception was when Q tried to tell everyone my id's on other boards. Other than that I did NOT abuse any power.

I will say this again. I did not start this thread, nor did I even want to talk about it. Furthermore, you spoiled my enjoyment of being back. :(
Bubba said:
It is interesting because people said to me when I came back that I would start old issues going again. I didn't start this thread. Luis even asked me to leave when I came back because he said I would only start the same things over. The first thing he did was edit me out and say "I don't give a damn what you have to say".

When I was a supermod I only locked one thread. It was the boob thread. I did not abuse the mod power. I was a mod at xibase before that. I did not abuse that power either. Get this straight. I am no longer a mod because I wanted to lock the boob thread and nobody else did. That is why.

SBCanada was the one locking everything in sight. Don't confuse what he did with what I did.

I was thinking this morning that I should forget to come back. It's true I made some nasty comments in the past, but I always as a moderator let people say what they wanted. The only exception was when Q tried to tell everyone my id's on other boards. Other than that I did NOT abuse any power.

I will say this again. I did not start this thread, nor did I even want to talk about it. Furthermore, you spoiled my enjoyment of being back. :(

Good to see your memory is coming back. Since you don't want to talk about it and no one else does either, can we move along now back to the main subject of this thread?
This is how I see it:

I am just a guy that typed in otcentral in my web browser. I did not and will not give any money to help the site. I had something to do with getting the forums going but never contributed one cent.

Sam is the guy paying for the hosting. If he wants to make Unc a supermod then that is his choice. He is the guy running this site whether he knows it or not even if he has fury doing things for him.

My advice is not important on this matter. I said that it was not something "I" would do. That is all I said, not that it matters.

My memory is great. However, I really just wanted to sign up to talk about computers and things that were not related to the past. I asked fury for computer advice the other day. I am pretty "down" about getting bashed for no reason.:(
Fair enough, I don't think Unc was trying for the spot as Super Mod though. :confuse3:
Move along! Nothing to see here! :D

Ok so is Justin already a Supermod with his av and cheating death last week and all? I'm starting to think that he has superpowers or something. Maybe he and les are the supertwins in disguise.
Grr..It wont let me post a good link. It is the stickied thread in the KK called Kings of Chaos Army Links. Start reading at post 57.