Petition for another layer to the chain of command

Haven't even looked at that thread. In that case, and since I already suspected that leslie is a supertwin, Justin should give her his av. :D
Justin pulled himself out of a dire situation with his will...he deserves to keep that av :headbang:
I've been trying to look the other way and keep out of this fight but now it's really pissing me off.

I don't know the details of what went on with bubba before, that was apparently before i showed up here and to be quite honest I don't give a fuck. Since bubba came back he has minded his manners, more so than other members. However it seems like some of you have taken every opportunity to ride his ass. To me, that is an inappropriate and unacceptable way to treat anyone.

I know we've had problems with other members causing trouble when they come back, but the only trouble I see here is from members who can't see past actions that are cleary in the past. This holier-than-thou attitude is the only thing that irritates me to the point of considering leaving. Live and let Live

peace out,
tommyj27 said:
I've been trying to look the other way and keep out of this fight but now it's really pissing me off.

I don't know the details of what went on with bubba before, that was apparently before i showed up here and to be quite honest I don't give a fuck. Since bubba came back he has minded his manners, more so than other members. However it seems like some of you have taken every opportunity to ride his ass. To me, that is an inappropriate and unacceptable way to treat anyone.

I know we've had problems with other members causing trouble when they come back, but the only trouble I see here is from members who can't see past actions that are cleary in the past. This holier-than-thou attitude is the only thing that irritates me to the point of considering leaving. Live and let Live

peace out,

I thank you for the show of support. However, I really think you would have to understand what went on before to truely know what it's all about. I like you and would not want you to leave over some discussion involving me. I ask you to reconsider that.

As many are aware here at otc, I am fully capable of defending my positions. My current position is that we have been there and done that. Let's get on with the present.

I don't mind that you are talking about getting a supermod and if Justin were made that then I would not care. The part that I have a problem with is discussing me and the past. So talk all you want about getting a supermod but just leave out the part about what happened before.

Justin would make a good choice, and it is okay with me. Things are cool between he and I. :)
Bubba said:
Originally Posted by unclehobart
Hopefully we would be wiser than to choose the likes of Bhubba (<to defeat his thread searches. ;) ) and SBKanada (<same). One should not hire the weasel to guard the henhouse.

I'm beginning to think you are a jerk.
