Pets and pet personalities


Well-Known Member
Myself, I have 4 cats...used to have 5, but the youngest (Slick) died just before Christmas. Died on the bed of a stroke right in front of my missus, my kid and I. Real shame that...he was the only cat that could tolerate the windmills that are my 10 month old son's arms.

Seven: Black and white cat...7 claws on each paw, hence the name. His full name is'll see why in a minute. He's a toilet-cat (hangs out in the bathroom)... king-cat..not the largest (only 21lbs) but the toughest.

Ginger: Orange and white...(or rather, ginger and white), hence the name...full name is Ginger-Ale :)

Tarzan: Tiny little tabby...he's a climber...climbs doors, cupboards, people and sleeps on vertical-blind valences.

Bishop:Big BIG white cat. About 24lbs...a real shedder and drooler. He's a rescued-cat. Someone living in downtown Montreal moved...and dumped this cat (about 7 years and never been outdoors before) in an alley. A buddy found him 2 weeks later, looking mighty pityful. Took him to a vet and then gave him to us. He might have weighed about 7lbs then. Poor little bugger.

We have an aquarium full of fish
We *used* to have hamsters (Seven killed them all)
We *used to have finches* (Seven killed them both)

I'll see if I can post pics sometime soon.
PS. Ginger's teh house lap-slut, Tarzan's the accrobat/commedien and Bishop's a purr/drool factory...all seem to like my kid now.
female Border Collie called Daisy, supposed to be mine, loves hubby to exclusion, she's a real weenie who cowers in fear, hiding behind me when men come to the door :retard:

male black cat called Ozzy, again, supposed to be mine, but loves hubby, will deign to spend time with me only when hubby is away, a real cat...mouser, birder - well he tries anyway :D, will fetch balled up electrical tape and various other materials so that you can throw it again...he's either exceedingly cranky or exceedingly lovey, no real in between with him.

2 new oscars and a butterfly pleco...the pleco is boring as hell, but the oscars are fun...they already recognize the face that feeds them - maybe they will love me :headbang:
Ok, three dogs, 2 cats.

Cappy, real name Captain, about 3 years old, shortened to Cappy when he was a puppy and never got lenthened again. Very loyal dog, to me and the kids. Hates mailmen, but gets along pretty good with all others. Mix of Chow, Lab, and a few others, I got Cappy from a family that lived outside of town, all his brothers and sisters had been run over by cars. Cappy loves to do tricks, he knows sit, lay down, shake, roll over, stand up, and he will keep doing them whether you give him a treat or not, he just loves to please. He's also the one that will snuggle up beside me on the couch, weighs in around 50 pounds.

Sneakers, a little under 2, he's my little short fat dog, no idea what breeds he is, but probably got some dachsund in him. He's the cuddly dog, loves to sit on your lap, whether you want him to or not. Usually can be found on my wifes lap. Sneakers was a pound puppy, saw him in the paper, and he was just the cutest little thing, had to get him. He still looks alot like what he did as a puppy, just longer and fatter. Very good temperment, he is probably the kids favorite dog, even though he's dumb as a doornail and doesn't know any tricks.

Hana, about six months, the newest, she's still a puppy, jumps, runs, jumps some more, runs some more, jumps some more, runs some more, drop over, sleep for 30 minutes, jumps, runs some more, jumps, you get the idea. When she does stop for a few minutes, Hana is learning tricks now, she's got sit and lay down pretty well down, but treats really help the memory too. She'll do a shake sometimes, sometimes not, kinda fickle about that.

Now the cats.

Pandora, she's a calico, about 3 years old, this cat has lost her marbles, but the kids are attached to her so we keep her. Pandora will hunt down socks from all over the house and carry them all to our foyer. She does this while uttering the low moan usually associated with cats in heat. (She's been fixed since she was a little over two months.) If you say something to her while she's carrying one of these socks, she'll stop, drop the sock, and high tail it away from you. I really think this cat has lost it's mind.

Charles, About 2 years old. Found this cat outside our front door one day when it was just a kitten. Had to feed it mild from the vets for a couple weeks it was so young. Never did find it's mother or siblings, not real sure where it came from. Charles is our killer. He loves to spend his days outside so he can chase down moles, mice, birds, squirrels(Yes, squirrels, I don't think he's caught one yet, but he'll chase em). But, about the time the sun goes down, Charles will be scratching at the door to get back in. He will then claim the foot of our bed, where he will stay until morning, then it's back outside when we leave for work. I never make him go out, he wants to.
Jessie. sheltie mix im not sure of the other breed. loves everyone and loves getting attention. shes very loving and loyal. old tho but we still love her shes still our pup
Two cats, one living with me and one living with my cousin. (they don't live together because they have a war every time they see each other :D)

Cindy (living with me): An old... perhaps 15-16 years old Tabby cat (pic, pic). She doesn't really like to be touched by you unless she's comfortable around you; she will get up and walk away if not. She often jumps up on my desk while I'm at the puter. She acts like queen of the house. She is really picky about her food, and likes to eat mine. She prefers ice cold water (she will drink from the toilet before her water bowl). I'm the only one she allows to pick her up. When she growls she sounds like a tiger. Her meow is deep and trilled (like Spanish R's) and when you get her attention if she's either sleeping or not looking, she also makes this short half-purr half-meow sound.

Ashe (living with cousin): Going on 1.5 years old Tortoise Shell Calico (pic, pic - she's much bigger than this now though, these were taken when she was about 9 months). When she doesn't want you to touch her, she will reach around and grab your hand and nibble on your fingers. She's pretty arrogant and always needs attention. :D There are these little moods she will get in sometimes that at the drop of a hat, or even for no reason at all, she'll make a run or two around the house within like 3 seconds, usually clawing someone's body in that time, but when she's in the mood to be petted, she's really sweet. She won't eat her food if she sees the bottom of her bowl through it, and she prefers ice cold water too, of the filtered kind. Her meow is less of a meow and more like a squeak.
Gizmo, Lhasa Apso (or, "Lil' Asshole" as my dad always said), she is almost 10 years old (we have had her for almost 6 of those). She is very loving and LOVES to have her belly rubbed. I was the one who actually brought her home (from my aunt's pet store, my whole family had seen her at the store but they had to leave before she was ready to go). So, she loved me most for awhile then my dad became her favourite. Now that he is gone you would THINK she would come back to me but now my mom is her favourite (and my mom never even paid attention to her til my dad got sick). My mom let the dog in their bed (reluctantly) one time my dad was home and he wanted to sleep with the dog in bed and every since the dog sleeps with my mom. :laugh5:
just the dog here. got him from the local ASPCA shelter. he's about 7 years old. lab/greyhound/?terrier mix. he was 45 lbs when we got him but have since fattened him up to about 65 lbs over the past 3 years. he has become a very good watch dog. quite the ferocious bark when he's on the other side of the door. once i open the door, its all sniffing and wagging tail. he alternates between brilliant and dumb as a bag of hammers.
he is excellent with children (other peoples. we dont have any) but dont get between him and the tennis ball when i throw it. he'll run right over/through anything in his way.
Dudley-Old English Sheepdog 6 y/o Director of the dogs. Lays on the floor in the kitchen so the other dogs would have to go by him to get to the food and water...bites them, if he feels like it. Sometimes he won't let them go by to get to the food, sometimes he won't let them come out after they've eaten. They bark until I rescue them. He sits, lies down, shakes and gives kisses on command. He weighs 85 pounds and considers himself a lapdog.
Scrappy- Schnoodle 5 y/o he's Mr. Perfect ...he never does anything wrong. Very affectionate, normally sleeps right next to me with his head on the pillow. He kisses the other dogs good morning every morning, whether they want him to or not. He sits, lies down, shakes and gives kisses on command.
Chopper-Toy Fox Terrier 3 y/o Thinks he's a cat. Sleeps on the back of the rocker recliners, can jump from one top of the recliner to the other (and they swivel). If he wants to play he will annoy the other dog(s) until he makes them play with him :D He will sit on command, but he doesn't have time to screw around doing tricks. :D He sleeps completely under the covers every night and does not like to get up in the morning.
Let’s see…
Cat 1: Frankie (she’s a she, remember the movie “Frankie and Johnny?). 12 I guess, a small cat. Dara got her before she got me. She was a tiny little ball of fur back then. Dara had to rescue her. The people who owned her mother were going to have her put to sleep because she was malformed. She doesn’t have a tail. Those of us who aren’t brain dead know that such a cat is a Manx, and not malformed at all. She is in charge of everyone and everything.

Cat 2: Patches. Patches is a calico, mostly white with patches of black, brown and yellow on her face and back. The mouthiest cat I have ever owned. Patches adopted us one day ten years ago when we stopped at a pet store to get flea and tick medicine. Meowed and purred at us, then screamed when we went to leave. Patches doesn’t like to be picked up, doesn’t like strangers, likes sitting on the back of my chair while I’m on the computer, though.

Dog 1: Emmy Lou. Big black mom dog. Lab mix with long black hair. She’s a big sweetie, but a great watch dog. Deep bark, deep growl, can act mean when she thinks it’s called for. She loves kids (I have a granddaughter), and every ball she sees is hers.

Dog 2: Crystal. Looks like a golden retriever, except her hair is a little longer, and curly on her back. She’s a doll of a dog, sweet, gentle and adoring. Loves to have that belly rubbed (don’t we all). She was the first of fourteen puppies Emmy had in her first and last litter.

Dog 3: Carly. (Sense a theme with the names?) Black dog with a little white on her paws and chest. Jack Russell Terriers probably think she’s hyper. When she’s happy to see you she will leap straight into the air (as much as thirty inches or so). You’d think this would make her a good Frisbee dog, but so far she only knows how to duck and then look at you as if to say, “That thing almost hit me.” Carly was the runt of the litter, but she weighs about 60 pounds now.
Isis, she likes all animals, even cats and dogs barking at her. She's a quiet dog, and likes to be with us at all times, too dependent of us.

My old dog that died last year, well, she had the "human syndrome", very smart dog, she was fierce and barked at everybody, but as soon as we ordered her to shut up or go upstairs she'd do it.

Sandy - Mix between a Red Heeler and a Cocker Spaniel. Died last November at 16 years old. We picked her up from the shelter when she was almost 2. Never barked at us or the neighbors, but did at people who would walk through our yard or behind our fence. Never liked to play fetch, but was always up to a walk/pull (;)). Loved rabbits and birds. She was known for "talking" which was really an extended growl formed into a yelp. It wasn't loud or anything, just enough to get your attention. Sandy spent her entire life as an outside dog, and she loved it. She would walk around the yard, but never on the curb or into our neighbors yard. She knew the boundaries. Even when we were out camping, she stayed with us and always sat next to us.

Oh yeah, and she had no tail. :)

I'll post a pic later of our new dog, which is almost a year old now. A Golden Lab mix, Sadie is hella playful and will not let me take pictures of flowers in the backyard. If I try, she'll run up and push me over because I'm not playing fetch with her. If you dont' play with her when you let her out, she'll sulk a bit, which includes throwing (literally) herself down on the deck and sprawling out (as if to say "woe is me"). If you go inside, she'll drop down to the ground outside the door. Quite funny. And the thuds she makes when she hits the deck (outside) is audible everywhere inside the house. We think she's got some Pointer in her too because she'll almost point when she hears birds (freezes, foot up in the air, tail out straight, etc).

cosmo : large, loud, likes lunchmeat. cute, sometimes violent, 0wns the chairs at the kitchen table. grey boy with four white paws and a white tummy/neck, and a little white patch under his nose that looks like a moustache. makes nasal noises. about... 7 years old, i guess.

gardner : my baby! brown boy tabby, with white paws/neck/tummy. cute as they come, fluffy, sheds a lot. wanders about in my room while i'm trying to sleep. ;D. sleeps on my bed sometimes. has a nasal purr.

patches : skittish, calico, goes unseen most of the time. usually avoids me, but will occasionally conversate with me. like,
"hey patch!"
"what's up?"

patches and gardner are brother and sister. they're about 6 and a half years old. i found them, strays, outside one october afternoon. their mother was there with them and their two calico sisters, but later abandoned them, so we took them in.

fish :

tish : large goldfish in a too-small tank. acquired from another girl in a treatment center. an extremely hardy fish.
i'm going to give her away, tho :blank:
LOL, your cat talks to you too?

Mine does too, usually when it's wanting something.

Me: "Meow"
Her: "R-r-row"
Me: "Maw"
Her: "R-r-row-ow"
Me: "You're wanting food again, aren't you?"
Her: "Ow-r-r-r-ow"

When I go to feed her and put the cat food back in the cabinet, she'll push the door shut.
LOL, your cat talks to you too?
My mouthy cat not only talks, she backtalks. Like this:

Me: Get down from that table!
Her: (as she's jumping down) mrowr, mow, mmm.

I always take that to mean "sooner or later you'll go to work and I'll be able to do as I damned wall please!"
Casper - 9 year old tabby - was my sister's cat but came to live with us 2 years ago when my dog Willow left as he never really got on with his mum and sister.

Very wary with strangers outdoors - but is a real little attention seeker ondoors. Is the only cat I know who will let Katie dress him up and put him in her pram. Also allows her to carry him around like a baby. Follows me around, likes sleeping on my bed or clothes and eats plastic bags - hence you won't find any lying around in my house. Likes to sit behind my head on the back of the chair or on the chair arm when I'm relaxing - used to try and sit on my face! Has a favourite spot on the garden wall and comes to greet me if he's out, when I get home and is always first through the door. Is a fussy eater and a real little hasslebag when it comes to food. Also likes to sleep on his back with all 4 paws in the air and sleeping on top of the kitchen boiler - I'm sure he's part mountain goat..... :D
Mirlyn said:
I'll post a pic later of our new dog, which is almost a year old now. A Golden Lab mix, Sadie is hella playful and will not let me take pictures of flowers in the backyard. If I try, she'll run up and push me over because I'm not playing fetch with her. If you dont' play with her when you let her out, she'll sulk a bit, which includes throwing (literally) herself down on the deck and sprawling out (as if to say "woe is me"). If you go inside, she'll drop down to the ground outside the door. Quite funny. And the thuds she makes when she hits the deck (outside) is audible everywhere inside the house. We think she's got some Pointer in her too because she'll almost point when she hears birds (freezes, foot up in the air, tail out straight, etc).

Her pouting that I won't play with her.