Pets and pet personalities

oh the dog is so cute prof!

Post one of V3.0! I see him in the background!!:)
Not much...just didn't post the pic...still kind of down about the whole thing.

PT: least my kid's too young to really understand the whole death thing. My wife took it much so, that she actually went to fetch me a cig (that she'd hidden on me) so that I could deal with it better. this cat wasn't even 3 years second, happy purring furball, the other, he kind of lept forward, flopped onto his side, his left side was all floppy, he breathed hard for a few seconds, and then stopped. I couldn't do a damn thing...and i tried. Fuck if I didn't try mouth to mouth, and CPR on breaks my heart to think of it, mostly because he loved my son the best.
Buddy: my lapso apso / terrier mutt. He's about 12 years old and pisses everywhere. I love him so much :)
1 dolmation 12 yo
1 dachson 3 yo
1 whiteface cockatiel 4 mo
1 cinnamin cockatiel 8 mo
1 jenday conure 1 yo
1 african grey parrot 4 mo
PuterTutor said:
Pandora, she's a calico, about 3 years old, this cat has lost her marbles, but the kids are attached to her so we keep her. Pandora will hunt down socks from all over the house and carry them all to our foyer. She does this while uttering the low moan usually associated with cats in heat. (She's been fixed since she was a little over two months.) If you say something to her while she's carrying one of these socks, she'll stop, drop the sock, and high tail it away from you. I really think this cat has lost it's mind.

*breaths life into an old thread*

Hey! My cat Jane will do something like what you described. She has this cat toy that she'll carry around the house at night when we've went to bed making these low moaning/crying sounds. Very loud. Or if we go into the computer room (back end of hte house) and leave her in other parts of the house she'll start crying and go find that damn toy to carry to the computer room. She'll usually drop the toy as soon as she sees you watching her, but sometimes she'll carry it a bit further. It almost always gets laid in the doorway of the room she's entering, she'll drop it and keep crying for a minute or two.

But she never wants us to play with her. She sounds almost like she's being tortured, but ... nothing's wrong. She's just weird I suppose.

ANyway. One cat - Mary Jane, Jane for short. Nicknames include Shithead, Rat, Janie, Her, and other names I shouldn't type.

Black and white tuxedo cat. :D

Cool pets!

We have a dog named Eli the Wonder Dawg. He is a poigle. (half pointer and half beagle)