

Staff member
sooooooo....who does em? do they work? any first-hand/second-hand/anecdotal hints tips advice?

I'm acquiring a few beginner videos right now...my girlfriend swears by em but she's a flake :nuts: so I need some other opinions before I waste my time :D
i really don't think i understand what it is...exercises, i know...what that's about it....
Winsor Pilates is a powerful new total body sculpting system for losing weight, sculpting long, lean muscles and reshaping your body from head to toe. A Winsor Pilates video workout leaves you refreshed and alert with a feeling of mental and physical well-being. Winsor Pilates is ideal for everyone, young or old, whether you are very fit or out of shape. [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mari Winsor is one of the most sought after trainers by the biggest stars and celebrities in Hollywood. She teaches you a special combination of controlled movements that are guaranteed to shape and sculpt long, lean muscles. And best of all, you'll enjoy every minute of it![/font]
^^that's about all i know too :D
oh hell, I thought the title was mis-spelled

my mom borrowed a video from her friend, and we watched it. well, she watched it, at least... i was feeling ambitious and decided to try it.
it half killed me! but then again, i'm so out of shape, i can barely walk up a flight of stairs without feeling a little winded.
so my experience may vary from those of a lot of other people ^_^;;
I do it - find it pretty good, but I'm only doing it on medium difficulty, so yoga seems more effective to me at the moment. Let me try it on hard, and I'll get back to you. ;)
I do it. I have done all of them except the upper body (cause we just acquired some weights) and the advanced one. I LOVE them. First few times you are definately gonn ahave some problems and a sore sore tummy mostly likely...ooooooh it works yours abs! But, me and my roommate have been stopped for 5 weeks now (exams and holidays and such...) and started in again last night and although it was still difficult it wasn't near as difficult as the first time :)
I've tried it ... it worked my abs like hell!! It also lowered my self-esteem 'cause I thought my abs could handle it after all the backbends we have to do for hula. I should start up again after I give birth ... I should, but I just have to find the motivation to do it :lloyd:
kuulani said:
I've tried it ... it worked my abs like hell!! It also lowered my self-esteem 'cause I thought my abs could handle it after all the backbends we have to do for hula. I should start up again after I give birth ... I should, but I just have to find the motivation to do it :lloyd:

that's scary...if YOU had a hard time with it... :eek5:

i watched the videos today...i think i'll try it tomorrow :D
Take the best workout that you've had and make it more effecient. Smaller movements, slower too. It focuses on the correct motion or range of motion for each muscle group. So...you do it for less time, don't sweat to death and still get a better workout. It's pretty good, but you'll be sore for the first 10 times or so...after that..it gets easy.
I've never worked out before* - I'm just bored out of my tree and sitting too much :shrug:

*excepting wild dirty animalistic sex that is
Wild animalistic sex? That counts as aerobic, so long as you can still talk while doing it.
Screaming counts.

Can't breath...you're burning sugar reserves and NOT fat...if you're going to have sex, why not have fun and burn away the cake too?
it's pretty popular at the Y. they have a program called bodyflow, which is supposed to be a combination of yoga, pilates, and ti chi. i've done that once and it was interesting. i haven't been back but it seemed to be a great way to work out some of the lactic acid buildup in the muscles.
the rec centre across the road from me has a bunch of drop-in no sign up classes...a yoga, a pilates, and a piloga along with the usuals. I'm gonna start going on Monday when the rat is at school...it's probably better to do it in a class than trying to figure it out on my own.

i think that's my issue tommy, i feel all tight and scrunched up. i need to do something.
classes are the way to go, there is a learning curve to it so don't give up if you suck it up the first couple times. it really releases a lot of tension for me, i need to drag my buddy there with me again, i feel quite intimidated by all the women there who are old hats at the whole thing.
yeah...the girl i'm going with can fly off the step...i can just imagine us together...me fighting to get up the couple inches and her almost jet propelled :lol:

but I know I suck...and it'll only get better with time if I stick with it.