Police radars...


Everytime I go to the States, I put my radar back in my car. It is unfortunately illegal in Ontario because of some jerk in Queenspark, but in the States you can drive at a comfortable speed without fearing some cop sneaking up on you. If you don't have one, get one :) It works so cool, and some of them has impressive range. They are sold at your local Radio Shack, or get one from Popular Science :)
by comfortable speed i assume you mean over the limit?

so what you are saying is 'i want to break the law but i can't because someone might catch me and i can't weasle out of it'

boo hoo
ris said:
by comfortable speed i assume you mean over the limit?

so what you are saying is 'i want to break the law but i can't because someone might catch me and i can't weasle out of it'

boo hoo
lol as if you don't break the law. Yes I break the law often. I for one do NOT do full 3 second stops. I don't always shift down when decelerating. I don't like breaking the law (um in North America), but some laws are just retarded. And my a comfortable speed it is probably over the speed limit, and I only use it on the Interstate. In Ontario I still speed, but don't use the radar because if they catch you you are in deep shit.
yep, i speed onmotorways. but i was to get caught i'm not gonna stand there and say 'but i want my radar, its not fair'
Using radars to me is no different from any criminal covering up his tracks.
Leslie said:
Using radars to me is no different from any criminal covering up his tracks.
Not turning yourself in is no different from any criminal not turning himself in. Have you ever done something illegal, such as not making a full 3 second stop? Then you should turn yourself in. There are stupid laws out there that no one obeys.

Radars are legal, and lots of people use it. I'm not endangering society by going 10 over. In Montana I even turn it off :) No speed limit there, although the cop did tell me I'm taking the "safe and prudent" speed limit a bit too far. :D
LastLegionary said:
Leslie said:
Using radars to me is no different from any criminal covering up his tracks.
Not turning yourself in is no different from any criminal not turning himself in. Have you ever done something illegal, such as not making a full 3 second stop? Then you should turn yourself in. There are stupid laws out there that no one obeys.

Radars are legal, and lots of people use it. I'm not endangering society by going 10 over. In Montana I even turn it off :) No speed limit there, although the cop did tell me I'm taking the "safe and prudent" speed limit a bit too far. :D

I can't think of anything illegal I do.
[edit]to be honest maybe a little/a lot while online...but nothing in the real world :D[/edit]
Leslie, then I :worship: you. Every time you drive, you NEVER go over the speed limit? You make a full 3 second stop at a STOP sign? I don't know anyone that does that, honestly. Kudos to you for doing that though. (I'm not being sarcastic.)
given that speeding does endanger life, it kills thousands of motorists every year and the police rightly clamp on it.

if you speed then you run the risk of being caught. if you are caught, tough. don't whinge about it because you can't try to get out of it.
LastLegionary said:
Leslie, then I :worship: you. Every time you drive, you NEVER go over the speed limit? You make a full 3 second stop at a STOP sign? I don't know anyone that does that, honestly. Kudos to you for doing that though. (I'm not being sarcastic.)

I never break traffic laws. Killing a kid because I couldn't bother to stop would be unbearable.

And if I was running about breaking laws, I certainly wouldn't complain because the law forbids you to circumvent and obstruct justice :retard:
Speed does not kill. It is the skills of the drivers on the road. And if I drive on the Interstate and don't see a car for as far as I can see, well, I don't go 55 miles an hour. And I never ever whine when I get caught. I accept my punishment. But the radar is there to discourage them from coming after me :) Even the police does not go 100 km/s in Ontario. By law, if they are not in an emergency (which they have to flash lights and/or the siren), they are not allowed to speed. Me being a frequent driver, saw a police car doing at least 160 (I was doing 140 and he passed me easily). Is that corruption? I don't think so.
I make a full stop, but I don't sit there for 3 seconds counting Mississippi 1, Mississippi 2, Mississippi 3, now I can go. And I'm not an agressive driver. Far from it. I'm very defensive, and very careful, especially in a neighborhood. And I don't speed in neighborhoods or where other people are, but on the freeway I don't see a problem. Maybe that is just me.
Leslie said:
[edit]to be honest maybe a little/a lot while online...but nothing in the real world :D[/edit]

First off, I don't mean to sound like an advocate for the RIAA, but I think it's amazing how people don't see online activity as real.
I see it not different than way back when, when we'd copy tapes, or tape off the radio.
Please don't think I'm being accusatory at all. I was one of the first to be banned from Napster. :headbang: Sorry, but it was a proud moment for me.

It's just that alot of people don't see it as being real, like it's a fake world or something.
PuterTutor said:
Please don't think I'm being accusatory at all. I was one of the first to be banned from Napster. :headbang: Sorry, but it was a proud moment for me.

It's just that alot of people don't see it as being real, like it's a fake world or something.
Yes indeed. I can see why the RIAA is upset, but they are after the money, not the artists' best interests. And the way they are persuing this isn't helping either. Hack my computer? I might return the favor.
LastLegionary said:
Leslie said:
I see it not different than way back when, when we'd copy tapes, or tape off the radio.
That wasn't legal was it? Copying other people's tapes...
No, that wasn't legal.

Puter Tutor, you're talking more about the internet in itself being real or fake?

I don't quite see it as real, hard to explain, it's surreal. Let me think on it.
I find it much the same way, it's not quite real, but then again, you people are some very Real friends to me. Odd how in a surreal environment, you can make real friends. Yet when it's time to download the latest song, it's surreal again.

As I said before, I'm not trying to piss anyone off, or accuse anyone here, I feel much the same way, yet I still find it interesting.