Police radars...

Same here, there are a few people who I really see as REAL friends, although I've never met them in person.

Guess the border between surreal and real isn't that big...
PuterTutor said:
Yet when it's time to download the latest song, it's surreal again.

I would do stuff like that in the real world though, photocopy, audiotapes, videotapes...
i find 2 things kinda wierd about audio piracy. firstly, that many of the companies who are trying to stop it, sony for example, make blank cd's and flog them by the ton. and what, pray tell, do they think we do with them??
secondly, that the music business seems to have little grasp on how people find out about and then buy music. in the past i would make mixed tapes of stuff for friends, or copy albums onto tape. illegal, yes, but also one of the few ways the music got around as it wasn't stuff played on radio or even easily available. these people, and myself, then went out and bought proper copies because we liked what we'd heard.
that's what i use p2p for - finding out about music i might like or want to buy, especially as i'm not a big radio listener now.

i will admit that there are those who don't use it that way, but i think a lot of people do :)
Same here...once I'm sure I really like a certain CD, I do buy the original. No matter how great the MP3 is, the original is always of better quality...plus I like the original covers :D
I have to agree on your first point especially, Sony not only makes blank cd's, they make cd burners, and package them with software for ripping mp3's off of cd's. And yet at the same time, they are also at the forefront for making copy-protected cd's. :confuse3:
I don't buy music cds or software simply because it is way too expensive.

If the original cds were cheaper, i think almost everybody would buy them, same goes to software.
Here they are around US$25-30 for one cd, if it contains 2 or more cds the price goes up really bad.
they're still about that price here, in the main :(

new releases are nearer $15-18, but older ones are way higher.
WTF I pay CA$14 [US$10] per new release. I don't buy CDs though, but I do support the MPAA in that I buy DVDs, and a lot of DVDs )
we just get screwed on cd/dvd prices all. part of the reason that region coding is so hated here. its not import tax or anything else, just bastard greed on the companies part :(
ris said:
we just get screwed on cd/dvd prices all. part of the reason that region coding is so hated here. its not import tax or anything else, just bastard greed on the companies part :(
I have no problem with region locking things... It is a good strategy for a businessman. :) I honestly don't even desire to buy DVDs from other regions. But if there was no region lock, everyone would buy American stuff and not their own customized stuff, and that isn't very patriotic is it? :p
not here, most people would not be able to watch a movie in english without spanish sub-titles.
yes, better watch out for those us hollywood dvd's in an obscure language called innglish. can't sell that here no-one would understand it :rolleyes:

best not buy a foreign car or electronic then, it's not 'patriotic'
What is the deal with that "region setting" I haven't gotten a dvd player yet, so don't know much about them. Is that going to be a problem with dvd burners too?